Where's My Cake?
Where's My Cake?

Where's My Cake?

Where's my cake?

Yesterday I enjoyed an hour at the Sheraton having an early morning coffee.

Actually, I ordered a cake as well but for some reason the cake didn't arrive.


The coffee was delivered with no mention of the cake.

Did I not order the cake, did I confuse the waitress?

The staff are so well trained and super polite, that's one of the reasons I like to enjoy spending time there.

20 min later the waitress came over and said that I ordered cake with my coffee, would I like to have it now?

Yes, I said, that would be great.

She walked away and 10 min later, still no cake.

Now I'm getting really curious about this cake, do they actually have any?

I called the waitress over to inquire about the cake.

Oh sir, she said, you need to come over to the counter and choose the cake you want.

Ah...got it...

Understand this...

We are all doing our best with what we have and yet sometimes we still have miscommunications.

It's no ones fault.

Here's the deal...

Get curious...

Get curious and not angry when something is not making sense or working out how we would like it.

When we are curious, we are looking for solutions, understanding, while at the same time maintaining our relationships and preserving our experience.

Get curious.




