Where Are Your Time Management Blind Spots?
Dr. Rick Goodman,CSP Motivational Business Keynote Speaker
Motivational Keynote Speaker @ Global Events | Leadership, Engagement, Team Building, Business Growth
Time Management blindspots are something everone should consider. What’s the most important resource you have—as an entrepreneur, a manager, a business leader, or simply as a person? Simple: It’s your time. That’s the one thing you can never get more of, the one thing that’s more precious to you than anything else. And if you really want to be successful, the trick is to use your time well, investing it only in things that?add value?to your business.
Most professionals tend to think they do a decent job of that, and perhaps you do. We all have our time management blind spots, though. We all have those areas where our time management skills break down, and we don’t really even realize it.
Coming to understand where you’re wasting your time—or perhaps simply not making as much of it as you?could—is a key skill for any professional. It will take some thought, some analysis, some introspection, and perhaps some changed habits—but the benefits can be major!
Where Are Your Time Management Blind Spots?
Uncovering Your Time Management Blindspots
It all starts by being honest with yourself:?Where and how could you be doing better with time management?
Everyday Distractions and Time Management Blindspots
Remember:?Successful people?are deliberate about their time management. To learn more about time management, contact Dr. Rick Goodman—the team-building expert! Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker and author who works with organizations that want to develop great leaders “Through Excellence in Communication and Team Building.” For more information on Rick’s speaking programs, audio programs, and learning programs, contact (888) 267-6098 or?[email protected], or visit www.rickgoodman.com.