Where are your project managers in their delivery maturity?
Peter Storer
Experienced C-Level Director (CTO/CIO) | IT Director | Fractional | Management Consultancy | NED | SME Mentor | Specialist n Process improvement and Efficiencies | Project Management advice and delivery | 07912 985207
A Project Manager is a member of your organisation, tasked with leading specific large-scale projects. Ensuring clarity around the scope of work, onboarding and educating other individuals within the company, as well as managing timelines and budgets needed for completing the project successfully.
A number of organisations have a Project Manager to deliver key initiatives. However, not all have the relevant knowledge and experience. Meaning your Project Manager may not be equipped to deal with the day to day tasks involved in project management. Having the right tools and techniques is one thing, but without the skills to put them into practice, projects are likely to suffer.
Often Project Managers come through the ranks and have been given the title of ‘Project Manager’, many without having had any prior experience. This can be excellent for personal development, however, expecting an inexperienced member of the team to deliver a large scale project without having had the relevant experience can be detrimental for the organisation and the individual. The pressure involved in delivering a large scale project is enormous and without the right support, projects can easily stray off track.
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