Where Is Your Practice At Now & Where Do You Want It To Be?

It’s really rewarding to see the growth practices have when they do the most appropriate things at the most appropriate times.??The key is being able to identify the right next step!

?We often fall into the trap of, as the saying goes “over estimating what we can do in a month and underestimating what we can do in a year/decade or even lifetime.”

?Practices often lack a strategic approach to professional and practice development.

?A common thing I see in practices new to coaching, is the implementation of advanced procedures, techniques and processes that were hacked on Youtube or heard at seminars but the foundational elements that support these advanced ones are missing.?The consequence of building our practice like this (which is often based on someone else’s vastly different practice) is that things keep falling in a heap on a regular basis, creating frustration and chaos.

?Instead of building your practice in dribs and drabs, it’s important to identify exactly where in the Practice Life Cycle you are and where you want to go.

?This strategy will make it more obvious as to which is the next right thing for you, your team and your practice members.

?Being aware of your Practice Life Cycle will give you the right thing to focus on so that you can get the best results for where your practice is at right now.

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This week you can download the Practice Life Cycle chart and access the powerful 10 minute training that goes with it here https://app.questchiropracticcoaching.com/where-are-you-now-and-where-do-you-want-to-be

For example, we have served Brendan from his days as a struggling associate to the owner of his own multi associate chiropractic practice.

He was telling me that Quest has been an integral and amazing asset to his practice.

?The reason for his many years of association with us has been that we have helped him identify his mission, provide a custom strategic plan with clear purpose, parameters and guidelines that have led to a strong team culture. On that foundation they created an integrated and powerful internal marketing system, strengthened practice member health education and dramatically improved practice member health outcomes.

?This has resulted in strong practice growth year in and year out.

?These results are typical of those chiropractors who take a longer term view and don’t apply advanced stuff before ‘cementing in the foundations’.

?If you’d like some help to plan the next step for your practice book a 15 minute Clarity Call here https://qcc.rocks/claritycall


