Where IS Your Line?

Where IS Your Line?

There are a lot of potential lines in the sand we could discuss - Today, let's hit the one that 'holds us hostage'?

Some lines may be: 'I'm fed up.' or 'I'm ready for a change' or 'I've gone too far, not turning back.'

When I was training new motorcycle riders, there was another line that became REALLY important in my life: The "Survival Reaction Threshold"

On a motorcycle it is literally life and death to understand this line.

When you're riding a bike, there's a motion that is VERY often the first reaction of a rider when they enter a situation that is risky. That risky situation causes the body to react (that means instantly, without conscious thought or awareness), and do something that is typically NOT GOOD for the situation.

It's simple to understand: The throttle hand is the most important control on the motorcycle. When a rider 'rolls off' or 'rolls on' the throttle, everything is affected on the motorcycle!

The 'Off' throttle motion causes the suspension to unsettle and shifts weight forward - onto the front tire. THAT is the 'smaller' of the two contact patches that keep the bike behaving predictably. Tire size makes it obvious that the front tire has less traction, right?

The point is, LIFE AND DEATH - for real. This is NOT an exaggeration, ask someone that rides if you doubt it. If a rider 'rolls off' the throttle at the wrong time - they could crash. On a motorcycle, ANY crash is life and death! I knew someone that crashed at less than 25 mph, and was killed.

THIS situation - the Survival Reaction Threshold - YOUR Survival Reaction Threshold, is the line we are talking about.

This is the line that we all cross, multiple times a day, unknowingly. Our programming uses this line in EVERY decision we make.

When I, for example, make the decision to watch the next episode in that Netflix series instead of meditate, or choose to not go to the gym... that is a reaction. Every buying decision we make. Every food we eat, exercise we do, or don't do...

EVERY decision we make is filtered through that same 'switch' that causes that motorcycle rider to react - and potentially die.

That is the way our unconscious mind 'holds us hostage' in our lives. Have you ever felt that way? Then you know that line.

It's a very deeply embedded piece of code, if you prefer to look at it from a programmer's perspective. You obviously don't THINK about this, consciously, when you're deciding to roll over and snuggle up in the morning, or get out of bed and start your day.

You don't think about this when your partner says something that is insulting, mean, and selfish - and you want to SCREAM at them: "STOP IT!"

You don't think about that line when you make the decision to go out with the team at lunch, or invest that time focused on your side hustle instead.

But, you could... because EVERY decision you make, every decision I make, even though I am VERY aware of this switch, is still affected by that switch! It literally can't, NOT be.

What can we do then?

  1. Awareness - INCREASING your awareness of this program's impact, and methods of impact, is step one.
  2. Reprogramming - changing, consciously, how your mind 'reacts' to things that trigger you is the other thing we can constantly focus on DOING to improve the odds we'll choose wisely in more situations. (often this is called 'training')

How will THIS article help you?

BOTH of those tactics above come down to a few basic habits.

The reason I'm here is to help as many people as possible properly and effectively implement those habits. -because they are the BIG GUNS!

These are THE HABITS that make the biggest, fastest, easiest, most efficient impact possible. NOTHING else has been found to be more effective than integrating these habits - nothing.

From Nuclear Reactor Operators, to Intel Manufacturing Engineers and Technicians, to Motorcycle and Snowboard riding pros... all the way to solo startup entrepreneurs and multi-millionaire multi-business owning leaders - they ALL have benefited from implementing these 3 habits. Research proves everyone: actors, mothers, astronauts, and accountants ALL benefit with these in their lives:

Meditation, Journaling, and Gratitude.

Those are simply the most effective ways to accomplish ANYTHING you want to accomplish. Using those habits, effectively, for YOU, is the 'trick'!

This PDF, that you can download, for free, with no 'optin' required will help: https://enthusiasticlay.com/3-habits-resources-download/

KEY NOTE: Is your survival reaction unconsciously affecting you, NOW?

Many people respond to these training opportunities with: "I tried meditation, it didn't do anything." Or "Meditation isn't for me." OR - "What's the point of hand writing when typing, or dictation is SO MUCH faster?"

PLEASE recognize: Finding the BEST way to implement and use those habits FOR YOU, is 'the trick'!

YOU are different than me, so me telling you which app to use, how to sit or lie down, or what to journal about isn't the way to go about this. You've heard this before. You've even tried before... NOW, embrace the fact that YOU DOING IT is the key.

Instead of 'starting to meditate' - may I suggest you "TRY" a meditation practice (refer to the PDF above, or use Google for goodness sake!) FIND something that works for you - and GROW those habits! You CAN do it, and there is OBVIOUSLY something to it, if you've read this far.

Please start today.


Please share this article?

I was serious about that 'why I'm here'. Who do you know that needs to understand how to master their programming? Who's life can you change today - by sharing this insight? Who will see this, because YOU shared it - that normally wouldn't?

Thank you!


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