Where are your leads *really* coming from?
Workshop Digital
We're an award-winning performance-driven digital marketing agency specializing in SEO, Paid Media, and Analytics.
Hi there,
Welcome to the newest edition of Shop Talk, a twice-monthly newsletter covering topics that matter to digital marketers. In this episode, we’re talking about the importance of a strong pay-per-click (PPC) strategy, GA4 events, and how closed-loop reporting can create a more accountable way to track incoming leads. Thanks for reading.
News and tips from our experts
Is your PPC ROI too low? Your CPL too high?
Would you like to create successful search, display, remarketing, and paid social media campaigns – no matter the industry or budget – {{first name}}? At Workshop Digital, we solve complex PPC problems every day. We’re ranked in the top 3% of Google Partners nationwide, earning us the designation of Google Premier Partner. Our analysts continually test, adapt, measure performance, and report on progress with objective recommendations to increase ROI and lower CPL. At the end of the day, isn’t that what we’re all aiming for?
Contact us today to learn more about how our customized paid media strategies can help you stand out among your competitors.
Watercooler topics
That’s all for this edition of Shop Talk. We’ll be in your inbox again in a couple of weeks with more topics to share with your colleagues.
P.S. Congrats to Samantha Oliver for dominating our company’s NCAA women’s tournament bracket! She correctly picked Iowa and LSU in the championship game…an impressive run! I came in second to last by only picking 3 of the Sweet 16 teams. It might have been a different outcome if we were betting on MLB games between 1985 - 1998 because oddly, I can still recite stats from my old baseball card collection.