Dennis George
Just to let every one know I have left St Vincent De Paul Society due to medical reasons
Where is your Faith
Three men were walking along a lonely country road when they spotted a person lying beside their car.
One walked over then spat on the person, another turned and went the way he came from, the last person went over to the person lying on the road, bent down to see if the person was ok. On doing this the injured person held his hand and with their last breath asked the person to look in their pocket and take out a letter.
To which he did, the person then asked the gentleman ," Please read the letter out so I too can hear it," this he did, on doing so he was given the biggest surprise for with the words were these words.
" You have made me so proud, you helped when no other person would, you gave me hope in humanity" .
The person went on to say take my car keys out out of my pocket and open the car, this took the gentleman back a little, Why he asked, to which the reply was Don't ask why, just do it. this he did.
The injured person then said " take out the bag out of the boot and open it," again this he did, now even more puzzled the gentleman asked what do you want me to do now? Open it was the reply, to the gentleman's there was a large envelope, to which he was told " Now open the envelope, he did as here was instructed. to his amazement there was a cheque for $900,000.00 the injured person said the the gentleman " this is now you money, I have been laying here for 38 hours and not one person came to my aid, I have no family have no home you put faith back in Humanity this is your reward". There were the last word the person ever said for with their last breath came just one request. " "Give me decent burial", then they passed away. Where is your Faith in Humanity?