Where are you putting yourself
Maureen Pound
Entrepreneur, online dating expert, adventurer, author, property investor
I studied computer programming and I was sh#t at it.
You see, I was meandering in my career after living overseas, Australia was still recovering from a recession and I was tired of being poor. I thought studying programming was the answer.
That's right, let's do something you hate and expect it to catapult you to success.
I'm obviously being facetious saying that, but I truly believed I would be good at it when I signed up.
I was mainly an A student at school and had done well in uni. I presumed I was intelligent and academic so it would translate into everything I did.
Um. Excuse me. I don't think so!
It's ridiculous to think that a human can be good at everything.
Everyone has sweet spots to use their talents and black holes that swallow them up.
And yet, many of us are deluded and think that some things just need more time and focus and "she'll be right".
Or we let others nudge us to places we don't want to go. Operations, writing, delegation, content creation, excel spreadsheets, website creation.
No!!!! Don't do it.
Stay in your lane and get help in the other areas.
Those guys I studied programming with would finish the code in 1 hour. It would take me three and it would be wrong.
Doing stuff I stink at is a waste of me as a resource in my business, my life and the world.
What about you? Are you in your zone of genius as much as possible, or being swallowed up by a quagmire of slush?
Get help with stuff you can't do.
It's not always a VA, could be a consultant or team member or business partner.
Reassess - and then redirect your energy, expertise and resources.