Where Are You?
The Old Testament is loaded with dramatic moments. Think back to the moment after the Fall, the first sin of Adam and Eve. In shame, they immediately run away and try to hide from God. Then comes the voice of God: “Where are you?” Let’s remember that God knows everything; he knows exactly where Adam and Eve are. They have to come to know where they are: separated from God by their sin. If they don’t know where they are, they’ll have no chance of getting back to God. It’s like those big maps you see in outdoor parks or indoor malls. There’s a big dot in the middle that says, “You are here.” Then you can see your spot in the whole scheme of things and how to get to where you want to go.
Where are you? It’s not only a good question for our physical life. It might be the most important, the most dramatic question for our spiritual life. Do we recognize where we’re at in relation to God? Are we actively trying by his grace and with his help to get closer to him? We can’t wait for March 5, Ash Wednesday, for those questions to come to mind like the ashes on our forehead. If we want that season of grace to draw us closer to heaven, we need to start now discovering where we are.
Here are two questions that help us discover where we are: 1. What do you love? And 2. What do you hate? Look at the things you love. Some people love videos of kittens. Other people love pornography. Then look at what you hate. Some people hate injustice. Other people hate hard work. The things we love and hate reveal a lot about what’s going on inside us. Usually we’re attracted to things we admire or desire. Usually we’re repelled by things that we might fear or that make us sad. We know we should love God and our neighbor. We know we should hate sin. But we’re not quite there yet. Don’t run and hide from God in the midst of that. It’s right there that he calls out, “Where are you?” Because he wants you to see your spot in the scheme of things so you can work your way back to him.
In the Church we say, ‘grace builds on nature.’ It’s a dramatic moment of truth and humility to know where we are. From that point we can see the wounds of our humanity. Don’t be afraid; God already sees it. Now it’s also from that point that we can see the goodness of our humanity; you are so precious that Jesus would give his last drop of blood so that you can find your way back to God. Knowing where we are, we can meet him. He can heal us. He can make us grow in holiness. Which is what our seasons of Lent and Easter are all about.
We’re just three short weeks from Ash Wednesday. I hope before then you’ll take some quiet time in prayer to hear the voice of God that says, “Where are you?” Take some quiet time and remember that we are always in the presence of God. Then look at the things you love and hate. If you can come to church and do that before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, that is best. But I know he will bless your time of prayer wherever and when ever you make it. If we notice in detail, the sins of our hearts, be repentant, not discouraged. It is a grace, a gift from God, to see what can be forgiven in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If we notice in detail the good things of our hearts, be grateful. It is a grace, a gift from God, to see his blessings and try to nurture them so that they bear more fruit for ourselves and those around us. These moments of prayer can be dramatic moments, if you’re open to it. You will mark out your map of Lent and the next stage of your life.
The Old Testament isn’t the only place loaded with dramatic moments. So is your life. This Lent is filled with dramatic moments for our whole parish. May the Lord heal our sins, help us to grow in holiness, and reward us with eternal life.
With my prayers,
Fr. Jerome