Where are you on Illness-Wellness Continuum?

Where are you on Illness-Wellness Continuum?

Wellness as a PROCESS, not a static state.

Looking at it this way allows us to be more proactive towards moving into an awareness, action, and growth state.

High-level wellness involves giving good care to your physical self, using your mind constructively, expressing your emotions effectively, being creatively involved with those around you, and being concerned about your physical, psychological, and spiritual environments.

In fact, it's not so much where you are on the continuum, but which direction you're facing. High-level wellness does not preclude periods of illness and weakness, nor does it attempt to deny that death is a natural part of life.

Your bare minimums to know if you are giving your body the adequate care it deserves:


  • minimum of 150 minutes of moderate movement per week
  • minimum of 2 days of strengthening major muscle groups per week
  • people over 65, 1-3 days of balance training per week
  • people under 65, 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week


  • women: no more than 1 alcoholic drink per day, not exceeding 8 each week
  • men: no more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day; not exceeding 15 each week


  • For general balance - Harvard Plate
  • To reduce inflammation - Mediterranean diet
  • To mitigate hypertension - DASH diet

Each morning ask, what action am I committed to taking today that will enable me to become a healthier version of myself?

Alyssa Poggioli

Life, Leadership, Connection, and Executive Coach



