Where are you going?
Brendan Conboy
Digital Marketer, Podcaster, Poet, Author, Film Producer at Creation Communication
I first published this post in June 2015 on my own website https://bmconsultant.weebly.com/blog
How often do you hear someone ask the question, "How did we get here?" They are of course questioning the state of something in their lives that they are not entirely happy with. This could be personal life, work life or it could even be someone else's life? There is certain dissatisfaction in the tone of the question and rarely do we hear the question that you expect should follow. This is a far more important question and it is of course, "How do we get to where we want to be?"
Now don't get me wrong, the first question is also extremely important. It is a recognition of where you are at. We can never turn back time, but to have a reflective awareness of where we are at is essential.
I have frequently met people that are in business that have not really had a clear analytical picture of their current status. You may be thinking that they are quite naive, but have you considered how similar you may be?
Once you have truly established where you are at, the next question is where do you want to be? What is your vision? How do you establish a vision for your business or for that matter for your life? What is your purpose? We all need to know the answer to that question, as when you have purpose you have value and a true sense of belonging. Do you know where you are going to.
You may have already pre-empted what my final question is - "How do you get to where you want to be?" What is your plan? What steps do you need to take and what direction will you head out on, in order to reach your desired destination?
Why is life so complicated and why does it pose so many questions? Maybe sometimes the answer to that question is that we seem to sometimes over-complicate things. Many years ago I heard the expression KISS - "Keep It Simple Stupid". Now, personally I don't like the "Stupid" part, but there is another expression that says - "if the cap fits wear it".
I absolutely love helping people to develop skills, ideas and knowledge and to see them move beyond the situation where they are questioning themselves, "how did we get here?" I am passionate to see people released into their passions. What do you want to be released into?