Where are you going? You are already here!
I read a while back that God is nothing. I resonated with it. But I didn’t know how to feel it. I was afraid that if I felt nothing then I would be empty but it appears the opposite. Feeling nothing is when I felt more alive than ever. Feeling nothing allowed me to be everything and anything.
I was so caught up in trying to be. I didn’t know me. I am not the me I think I am, I am not the me you think I am, I am not the me I think you think I am. So who am I?
The word god has 7.8 billion concepts. And people either fear or revere the word. So we replace it with source or infinite intelligence so we can feel more accepted and people wont think of us as religious. If you think you don’t have a feeling about god, you will find that most people are accepting or rejecting it. Either way there is a paradigm that you are attached to. A program that has been installed. A belief that is running your life. A thought process that you were told over and over and take for granted. Joe Dispenza writes about breaking the habit of being yourself. We cant even see ourselves. Who are you?
I knew I had my own concepts. And was even scared to say the name god for what would people think of me. So since I like I do for everything I am afraid of - I throw myself into it if I want to know more. Just like I did with jumping out of a plane with a parachute. Like scuba diving when I am afraid of water (even though I did all my life saving badges in school!). Like cross country jumping on my horse when everyone would think I was confident, I was just so glad to be alive after every fence !!. Etc. Even with my relationship with Wolfgang. I knew I had stuff to learn at the beginning and just kept walking forward until...........
So I did the same with the name god. The bible and great gurus say we are god. So for 6 months I wrote I am god. Because I could feel the misalignment every time I said the word. After all. It’s just a word. Through Thinking Into Results (Bob Proctors Elite program), I was stripping away the ego to find who me was. And I was determined to release all the fear and anxiety. So if I could do it. I could help others. I didn’t realise how much guilt and shame I carried So I would subconsciously “set myself “ up for more . I didnt realise that all my business was hiding anxiety. I didnt realise that all my positivity was hiding fear.
I have studied and studied Me. A journey through myself to myself to realise there is no self and that all is oneself. It wasnt an easy journey the first two parts let me tell you! The essence of who I am. I want to experience more of. So when I actually allowed myself to feel nothing is when I felt the magnitude of who I am. And yet I know I have only felt that which I can take right now. Not even close. I know.
God is nothing I am nothing. I know nothing. Finally. Freedom. Even for a fleeting moment It was peace. Even “trying “ to “get” alignment. How can I when I already am. I hear those words again “Where are you going Sheena. You are already here “. Which came to me when I was rushing yet again to be somewhere and was stuck in traffic. I felt all the tension and yet there was not a thing I could do. How many times have I done that to myself. Filling my space so I cant see me. Filling it with studying and learning and doing and having and getting etc I had studied science in all aspects and tried so many “techniques” to find peace. Got qualifications to "prove" I knew. None of which “worked”.
You can see the paradox now can’t you. Trying to be what I already am at the core. It wasn’t a new concept or strategy. It was to tear everything away completely. No new “thing”. No new “toy”. No new “goal “. I was going to find me where I already was !! I am the truth. I am the light. I am the way said apparently once a guy called Jesus. You are your own truth. You are your own light. You are your own way.
Detaching myself from all the ideas of perfection that I was trying to attain. The fighting of myself to be better. A better girlfriend. A better mother. A better daughter. A better friend ……. All of it. Painful If I wasn’t at my goal. Then I was not good enough. And I could hear all the evidence of it from the world agreeing with me. Setting myself up for shame and guilt yet again. "Where are you going Sheena. You are already here".
It seems funny not to “try “ to be in alignment with god The effort So I asked. What is the effortless way And it came to me. God is nothing. Feel it Sheena. Feel nothing. I thought it would be so empty. I thought I would lose who I thought I was. And yet I felt more love and peace then I have done ever. I am nothing. God is nothing. And then it occurred to me that I was afraid if I became too loving and open that people would laugh at me. How funny. That I wasn’t even accepting the love that I was. That I had to be something for someone.
Go on. Try it for yourself. God is nothing. I am nothing. I know nothing. Feel into that. Then say I am my truth. I am my light I am my way If it’s got to be. It’s got to be me. So I better know who me is.
You see. Most people think they need to know their goal. Yes. Thats a start. It’s the start of the process. At least an idea Perhaps not the final destination. But a vital and the crux of it all. Is who you are and where are you now. Unless you can be honest. You will be coming from then”wrong” place. And so always working hard going in the "wrong" direction, thinking you are "wrong". You see I thought I was "wrong" all the time. And so it seemed like everything I was doing was making up for myself. And in that "wrongness" I would set myself up again to be "wrong"! I realised that was the underlying feeling I carried all the time. So I was always feeling disappointed. In myself and in life and in others.
You are not wrong my friends. You are beautiful and wonderful. It’s not who you think you are that holds you back. Its who you think you are not said Sandy Gallagher. I see you. I know you I love you. I am you. You are your own light …….
Thinking Into Results. A journey with Sheena Cantar. My perspective on this work A journey to the death of the ego. That’s why you will find an excuse not to do this program. The ego knows it will be its death. So in all thy getting, get understanding I can hear Peggy McColl say to me, and no more excuses.
I saw a post where someone said. Don’t copy me. Be unique. How funny. As if anything I do is me. Remember - these are not your words. These are our words. We are one. Copy me all you like. For it will lead you to you. And yet there is no you. For you are me. We are one. Thinking Into Results with Sheena Cantar. A journey through yourself to yourself to realise there is no self and that all is oneself. To your truth. To your light. To your way. To who you really are. Where are you going ? You are already here You are gods highest form of creation.
The world is not outside of you. It is in you and yet it doesn’t exist. It’s in your mind only. You are the creator of your world. “ I have given you dominion “. Not from ego. But from a humbleness standpoint. We use the words, Source. Or infinite intelligence because we have misalignment with the word god. I knew that if apparently, there was a guy called Jesus could walk this earth in peace of mind and didn’t judge anything. Then so could I. So I asked to do that. So god brought up a few stories. So I would just say..... god god god god. Until I felt nothing. I kept doing it until I felt nothing at the word.
Peace. Now. Freedom. Space. There you are. In the course of miracles it says. The goal is god. So I investigated this. The goal is god. That’s the alignment. The atonement. the "At One Mind" And yet I was still trying. Trying to be somewhere instead of here.
Just be Just be here now. This holy instant This whole instant. Now. The only time there is. Be present Now. Now is the accepted time. Accept the now. Stop fighting the NOW. I realised it was about accepting the love that I am. The love that I was made in. And yet it’s not mine. But I am the witness of it flowing through me. The beauty of it all. No words can find Nothing to describe Just love.
So. How can you make better that which is perfect. How can you try to be that which you already are. So if you are ready to let go of your ego. And how to recognise it ? It knows It is saying. I know all this I have studied this this and this. And I have this qualification and that. I will do it when ........ I have enough money already. I have already studied thinking into results. I dont need a mentor. I dont need help. I know...........
Sometimes it will sound like your "intuition" But who is your inner tutor? Your ego or spirit? How do you know? If you are seeking comfort and safety and stay put - that is the ego. Feeling your way forward is the past. For that is all your body knows. And its all mind. Most of us operate in the left brain. And the left brain is your own knowledge and experience. The 2%. We have been trained that way. And yet we are nothing but think we are something. And yet you are still afraid. You live in fear. So we choose comfort and safety yet feel fear? How about the fear of something new? And then feeling the comfort and safety on the otherside. But you wont know until you move. Ask any of my clients. The moment the decision was made. They saw ..............
I found that "knowing" is hell. Not knowing is heaven. If you haven’t found peace. No amount of anything in this world will be good enough. Including you. Are you ready You can have both. Peace and life results. It’s just. You won’t care. Because you have them already. Join me. Study Thinking Into Results with Sheena Cantar. A journey through yourself to yourself to realise there is no self and that all is one self. Perhaps you might even just want to talk this out. I am here. I am you. I see you. You are love itself.
Namaste my beautiful family
Sheena Cantar
I help CEOs, entrepreneurs & business owners boost health, energy & resilience with a holistic approach—empowering them to thrive in business & life through conscious choices, sustainable change & long-term wellness
2 年Very profound.