Where will you be in 2024?
Dave Howell, MS
I manage outcomes through comprehensive change management leading to research, program development and project delivery. I manage the delivery cycle to ensure innovation for business and customers.
For many Americans December 2023 brought the highest price increases in their lifetime (inflation – see PBS article at 9.1%) and along with it, anxiety over the future.
Most Americans can remember when life seemed better, or simply cheaper. ?
One thing is for sure though, record price increases and record corporate profits don't add up in anyone's mind. CNN has a Fear and Greed indicator and it is currently centered on GREED. In our workforce far more Boomers are still employed than anytime in our history, Millennials make up the majority of the workforce for the first time, and wages have fallen for the average family. See the Pew article for more information on the American work force as of 2023.
As a side note, how long do you think America can sustain the debt and taxes that support entitlements and benefits, and a staggering illegal immigration population of about 30 million before our economy implodes under the weight of these factors?
You may have noticed the advent of BRICS in 2023? If you did, then you may know that in January 2024 some 30 plus nations begin to buy and sell their goods with their own digital currencies. This event places the U.S. dollar in jeopardy. I am not a prognosticator, however, 2024 could see the US Petro dollar lose its value against half of the world’s economy which will be digitally traded and backed by each country’s gold supply. We’ll see what happens, but most of us are bystanders in this world event.
On the home front it’s disappointing to learn over the last couple of years that our own (American) government, which is responsible to care for our national safety has colluded with Big Tech and Pharma to deceive us (yes they lied about Covid-19) and unceremoniously censored people with values similar to our own.?
Many indicators in 2023 predict the course of human events in 2024, like decreasing birth rates and the record death rates. Additionally, our average lifespan in the United States declined – see this Harvard University article on causation. Is the United Nation's Agenda 2030 actually working?
That said, each of us has marshaled on through 2023 because we chose to despite all the roadblocks set in our path. I believe it is our nature to be positive, thankful and kind to others, and as long we have hope we can endure almost anything in 2024.
I don’t want to waste your time dwelling on negative events because we have little control over many of the things that negatively impact us, but I do wish you the very best in 2024. For specific examples of how to ensure your journey through 2024 is great one, read Good Housekeeping, 65 New Year’s Resolutions for Building a Healthy, Happy Life.
In summary, stay positive, be grateful, be kind to everyone, love your family and friends, and take care of yourself! Remember, your journey is your own and like the Boab tree, you too can stand against the elements and succeed because you already possess all the tools to achieve a life that you imagine in 2024.
Be well my friend, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!