Where & Why teachers fail ?

Have been thinking on this subject for a while now. Although many of us (including teachers) accept that teachers fail, in performing their duties, we have'nt quiet got to the bottom of it. There may be different versions of why and where teachers fail, and i have my own, which is as follows.

The object of a teacher in today's world is to 'Direct, Encourage / Motivate, Acknowledge and Recognize students'. We are not required to 'Chalk & Talk' all the time. It would suffice if we introduce the subject, keep the subject interesting, give directions on what to look for and where to. And that is it !! All relevant info is on the 'WEB', more easily readable than the teachers notes and easily accessible than the teacher himself. Besides, looking for solutions and information of their own will make the students passionate about what they have found. This is the truth, a student today can get more of information on a particular subject than the teacher himself, provided, they find the subject of interest / are passionate about the subject / see a purpose for their search. When I made this remark before a panel of senior teachers (Professors), they felt offended. One of them pounced back saying, 'no knowledge is also required'. I pity him. Yes !!!, Knowledge is essential, that goes without saying. Nobody can give directions, without knowledge.

Point -1 Why teachers fail : Teachers do not catch up with changing times.



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