Where were you all?
J.J. Jones
Facilitating Connections, Conversations, & Collaboration in the Food & Agriculture System
I often share with friends and colleagues – especially those not involved in the food and agriculture space, just how “small” our sector of the global economy is – even though it is diverse, multi-faceted, and geographically spread out. I hardly walk 20 feet at National FFA Convention without seeing alumni and supporters, not to mention students, I’ve known for years. As I wander the halls of and attend programs at Cattle Convention or Commodity Classic, I never sit by a stranger as we learn and discuss industry topics. During events like the Fancy Food Show or a D.C. fly-in, I never have a problem meeting friends for breakfast, lunch or dinner … oh, and the occasional happy hour. ??
Yet, earlier this month when I attended an event where today’s food and agriculture system was a hot topic of discussion, I saw few familiar faces (less than ten to be precise). Now, you may be thinking, “J.J., you must have been in a faraway destination like one of your jaunts to Russia or Southeast Asia.” Or, “J.J. a new meeting of 20 people is not a likely place to know a significant number in attendance.
Well, I’m afraid to say you would be incorrect if those were your assumptions. I was in one of the largest agricultural states in the U.S. and one of the hottest food cities! And, there were tens of thousands in attendance from all over the world. I was in Austin, Texas at the famed SXSW (South by Southwest spelled out or “South By” for the seasoned attendee).
What started as a music and film festival has expanded into a unified conference with over 25 tracks of programming. And, FOOD is a well-attended program track. This year, food system topics ranged from ag tech to food deserts, transparency to aquaculture, alternative proteins to food insecurity and more. I could, and can, go on for pages and pages about what I experienced, heard and felt during my inaugural South By … I feel I may use this term now that I’ve “earned” the right to do so.
I am sure I will write more. Or, if you’d like to hear more give me shout. I’d be happy to chat one-on-one or at your next meeting or conference.
But, I digress.
A common theme (among a handful) in many sessions I attended was our food system’s impact on our environment – greenhouse gas emissions, soil health, biodiversity, climate change, animal welfare and more. Like any meeting, some panels brought a diverse set of viewpoints and thoughts to the conversation while others clearly had a predetermined set of ideas and philosophies they wanted us, as attendees, to adopt into our cognitive processes. I also noticed, as is often the case in any space where there are well-spoken, highly-intelligent individuals sharing thoughts and ideas, there were few times the data and insights shared from the stage were challenged or checked. For example, during conversations regarding specifically animal agriculture’s role in climate change, highly dramatic examples were given from several – not all, speakers demonstrating the science – some that, as a scientist, doesn’t pass the rigor of the scientific method, that supports less animal protein derived proteins. However, few mentioned the role transportation, energy production, consumer goods – think shoes, iPhones, Instapots, home décor, etc., and other industries play in climate change if we look at the issue from a holistic viewpoint versus in silos while we search for a silver bullet-style solution.
Cows are not killing our planet. Consumerism is!
I learned a long time ago there are no silver bullets to solve complex issues and that topics such as climate change that are derived from a complex system with multiple factors cannot be significantly changed by addressing only one factor. So, in my mind, instead of Meatless Mondays how about Mindful Mondays – a time that all of us, as global consumers ponder the fact that cows are not killing our planet; consumerism is! Don’t get me wrong, I’m a consumer and, when viewed through a global lens, I am an affluent consumer who has significant disposable income for clothing, home décor, a variety of foods, travel, leisure, etc. … so I, too, can always be more environmentally conscious.
Again, I digress.
Back to my primary point – where was everyone?
I was delighted during my time at SXSW to see such robust interest in agriculture and food. Afterall, this is the industry I love. My business is solely built around this noble industry. I was saddened that the conversation was one-dimensional, at times. Just as I feel I benefited from hearing diverse thoughts and ideas, I would propose the panelist and thousands of attendees – many I would propose are food system influencers – would have benefited from a more diverse, multi-faceted conversation. I originally planned on simply listening and learning this year. Afterall, I was a South By rookie. But as many of you know, I cannot resist engaging in conversation, critical thinking and deeper dives into topics I care about. So, after setting through my first one-dimensional session I felt compelled to “break” the cycle of group think that seemed to be taking place. Among our small group of food system leaders with a different view of today’s food system than the bulk of panelist, I quickly earned the reputation of always wanting to engage during the Q&A. One friend automatically slid her legs to the side as soon as she sensed the panel was wrapping up knowing full well that I was ready to scurry to a microphone to ask my question.
There were others from our small delegation who also engaged but we needed more. More voices with a specific expertise area. More voices from all facets of the global food system. More voices to encourage critical thinking. More voices to engage.
Now, before someone thinks I am proposing that more food and agriculture professionals descend upon South By to “set the record straight.” I am not.
Rather, I view this as the perfect opportunity to practice what I – and others, have been preaching over the past several years. In order to ensure today’s consumers are making well-informed food choices for themselves and their loved ones while ensuring food system leaders are making sound decisions, we must get outside of our comfort zone.
As my good friend Allyson from North Carolina would say, “Quit preaching to the converted”!
This thought was further reinforced as I chatted with a panelist following her remarks during a panel on the future of big food. She is a journalist and was the primary panelist who responded to my question during the Q&A regarding when science and economics play a role in food system decision-making once food system stakeholders have aligned their values. During our post-panel discussion, she thanked me again from my question and shared how glad she was to see someone with a farm/ranch background, a degree in Animal Science and actively involved in agribusiness engage in the dialogue. Then, what she said, validated the thoughts of so many … “I’d love to see all who attend Commodity Classic attend SXSW and all who attend SXSW’s food track attend Commodity Classic.”
As a former pastor of mine used to say, “That’ll preach.”
So, back to my point of capturing these thoughts in writing ... Who wants to attend next year with me?
Let’s chat.
Let’s plan our trip.
Let’s engage with diverse food system leaders as, together, we affect positive change in today’s food system as we ensure we are doing what is best for the planet, animals and our fellow consumers.
5 年Great, J.J.! Mind if I share this post?