Where Are We Heading -Update June 2022
Where Are We Heading - Update - June 2022
Well have those changes, and predictions on the affects COVID-19 would make on the hospitality industry come to fruition, and do we now operate with a new mind set of how we do business. Certainly travel has generally opened up, but we still see areas of the world where the virus is still very prevalent.
Japan has cautiously opened its border to tours and certain other groups, Check with Japanese embassy or tour operators for further up to date information.
Here is a Post that I sent last August 2021-
My time in Japan over the last year has certainly given me the opportunity to reflect on the direction of the Hospitality industry, and its recent change due to the impact COVID-19. The question that has become relevant for myself, and foremost in my mind is "Where Are We Heading".
This Pandemic-COVID -19, and its many variants has certainly changed the way most of our lives, and mostly those individuals, and families who have been effected so significantly.
The thoughts of many in the industry is that business will recover if not next year, then certainly within the next two years, but in any event will slowly return to some form of quote - Normality as we all experienced pre March 2020.
Some smaller companies who have survived thus far through the Pandemic are seeing a much slower recovery perhaps to retain their expectable business levels, and will ultimately need to adjust by downsizing, and will have to change their way of operating, or go out of business. This of course doesn't just apply to Hotels & Hospitality, but many other businesses. Restricted Travel with Airlines, and Quarantine requirements of country governments have had devastating effects on the industry, and have all but stalled any chance of beginning to gain any kind of meaningful recovery.
Companies have some very tough business decisions to be made in the coming months especially in the UK where the Furlough scheme of retaining company employees with Government & employee monetary assistance is scheduled to finish at the end of September around 7 weeks time. This is partly due to a lot of businesses with continuing low occupancy levels, that will inevitably have an effect on employee retention levels.
So Where Are We Heading, and will the Hotel Hospitality business survive in its current form. Certainly businesses in general will need to re-think their employee levels, and perhaps be able to work variable roles within the business. Employees that can work, and operate remotely, and employee schedules changed to better reflect business needs. Occupancy will be a lot lower than historical levels, and will inevitably be the new normal. Self check ins, where we will perhaps see the front office reception employee levels at many Hotels reduced, and where hotel check in becomes mostly automated, and technology will continue to take over those needs. Meeting & Events may become completely virtual in the very near future, partly due to many world company budget constraints on travel, and Health Safety challenges
Where are we heading-Certainly for Change, its not going to be easy journey. We must expect most hotels will likely not recover to the levels of previous business prior to this Pandemic, but over time accepting new technology, and new ways of conducting business, as well as keeping guest & employee safety Top of Mind will be the top priorities..
Please note that the content of this article are my personal views on the subject.
Clive Hamdorff -Risk & Security Consultant, Japan