Where Are We Heading As Humanity???

Where Are We Heading As Humanity???

We have entered the moment of the great dissolution, where everything seems to fragment and disappear. All we ever knew as real, dissipates, dissolves between our fingers, even the old self we know and may even love.

This is the essential beginning to the process we incarnated to experience. Which is why so many have said they have felt tired and dis-orientated these past weeks.

Added to this, higher vibrational energies have been arriving, though you may not recognise them as such!

Magic And Renewal Are Where We Are Heading Toward

In fact, you might even feel overwhelmed by your current challenges.

Should you do so, then this is missing the point. The challenge is always there to assist you to grow and to embrace the expansion being offered to you by the circumstances of your life.

Rather use your mirror to identify everything that shows up in your life as to what it really is as opposed to what it appears to be!

For most, this will be to know who they truly are. Then to have the courage to step beyond their perceived limitations to be heading in the direction their Soul is calling to explore.

This may lead many to facing the Dark Night of their Soul - a crisis of faith in themselves and where their life is heading.

This applies both personally and collectively.

The cycles I have mentioned in my latest article, all point in one direction – we are at a pivotal moment in human evolution!

However, every ending comes with the promise of a new beginning.

One of the cycles mentioned is that of the Chinese zodiac. At the end of January 2025 we enter the year of the Green Wood Snake. An emblem of transformation, growth and wisdom.

Snakes also symbolise fertility, sexuality and re-birth, bringing an air of magic and renewal to the year ahead. They are a symbol of the divine feminine.

Many ancient cultures had a divine feminine concept: the Egyptians Isis; the Greeks Aphrodite; and the Hindus Shakti.

Be The Creator Of Your Creation

Several of the astrological cycles mentioned indicate from mid 2025 to February 2026 and the remainder of that year, new beginnings will come rapidly, though probably in lurches.

All of which indicates to me the importance of now beginning to adjust within you what will assist you to be the Creator of your creation. This is where the most sacred union of the sacred masculine and divine feminine lies.

This balanced unity consciousness will be essential to flow smoothly through the years we are heading toward. That said, on occasions this will include experiencing what you are not, so you can know yourself more completely!

The latest Message From Source offered an overview of the process of adjustment underway, including the comment: ???

“Expect a new relationship to be established. First with yourself so you are no longer limited by your old comfort zone of beliefs. Only then will it be possible to open to new relationships with other aspects of your life.”

Honouring the transformation means good self-care! For many, this will entail reviewing their whole life. Re-evaluating who you are, what direction you are heading? What you used to identify with will no longer have the same touch and feel - a re-birth will be needed!

Should you feel uncomfortable in the not knowing, this is probably what your Soul is seeking! Ensure the energy is flowing freely through your body to find its answer.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love who may need some help in confirming the direction they are heading.?????????

To Know The Direction You Are Heading??? ???????????????????????


Gregory Reece-Smith MBA Author, Creator, Shamanic CEO的更多文章

