Where are We in the Commercial Real Estate Cycle?
Charles Williams
Managing Member at Pioneer Realty Capital and CRE Media and Events
Given our current situation, some are asking: What inning are we in? Current indicators defy typical labeling, which can be confusing. Is it the bottom of the ninth, with a new cycle on the horizon—or has the new cycle already begun? Is it possible we’re in a unique set of extra innings? https://bit.ly/2H73kVs
Ten years after the Great Recession, the commercial real estate (CRE) industry has yet to experience any comparable drop in growth. Let's look at current indicators.
- Peak Value, Puzzling Growth
- Disruptions Bring Promise
- Smart Moves for Investors
- The Verdict
Find out now: https://bit.ly/2H73kVs
Contact a Pioneer Realty Capital commercial real estate financial expert, and see why multiple options matter. 682-518-9416.
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Pioneer Realty Capital provides commercial real estate owners and investors with access to the full range of CRE ?nance solutions. Our ?exible capital structures are designed to address ?nance challenges often experienced by owners and investors.