Where are the views of the family?
Donna Ohdedar - Review Consulting Ltd
Helping blue light professionals find meaningful work, a better income, more flexible family time & allows them to keep making a difference | Become a professional independent reviewer with SILP School | Team Training
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Why are so many overview reports not speaking about actions undertaken to engage with families? Is it because the action was not taken or are some taking the view that the overview report is not the place to include the details?
In the Annual Review of Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews & Rapid Reviews* we were told that families’ views were missing from over one-third of the 33 Child Safeguarding Practice Review overview reports analysed.
From the Key Findings from Analysis of Domestic Homicide Reviews** we learned that 6% of DHRs that were required to be resubmitted by the Home Office Quality Assurance Panel contained what was deemed to be inadequate detail about family involvement, including detail required by guidance.
The Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews 2017-2019*** states that 26% of the 231 reports analysed were silent as to whether involvement had been offered or not to family members.
I struggle to believe that the necessary activity is not taking place. So take this as a nudge to remember to include all the details of what action was taken to engage with family in the overview report.
Are you ready to explore this within the DHR context? My invitation for you is to join Gaynor Mears, OBE & I on 4th August from 1.00-2.30pm to discuss the findings Click here to join us for Key Findings From Analysis of Domestic Homicide Reviews .
*Dickens, Taylor, Garstang, Hallett, Rennolds, Sorensen, March 2021
**James-Hanman, Kerss, Ruskin, Mears, March 2022
*** Preston-Shoot, Braye, Preston, Allen, Spreadbury, November 2020
SILP School is open for enrolment
You may be involved in reviewing cases or in commissioning, participating in, or quality assuring reviews. No matter what role you perform, then you probably already know that constant upgrades to review practice are vital in our changing context. The big question is how to distil implementable learning in an engaging, transparent, resource-efficient way EVERY SINGLE TIME.
SILP School is the only online learning experience that combines step-by-step practical skills building with personal development & 360 degree feedback, networking, and a chance to participate in a simulated learning event including a 6 week orientation programme. Plus, a combination of recorded material & live support that is tailored specifically for review commissioners, participants & reviewers with a background in a safeguarding profession at management level who want to join a network of highly skilled reviewers who are trained & supported to offer the trademarked SILP methodology.
In an era where everyone has the opportunity to conduct a review without any formal training, this is a unique opportunity to gain credits towards masters level courses in a university accredited training programme
... a launch pad to your second degree.
If you are ready to join SILP School but your chosen intake doesn't start yet, the SILP School Pre-Orientation Runway will give you access to your personalised learning planner, training materials, weekly drop-in sessions with me & a private members forum to allow for pre-course discussion of the reading list as soon as you sign up. This will enable you to make a start & meet your peers in the group who will begin the SILP School journey with you in the next intake.
If you’d like to find out more about taking step one on the road to accreditation visit https://bit.ly/SILP2022EB
What else is coming up at Review Consulting?
Tuesdays?– 1pm. Tuesday Takeaway
If you are a reviewer, commissioner, review participant, or quality assurance professional working on Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Domestic Homicide Reviews, or Safeguarding Adults Reviews, join me for Tuesday Takeaway. A bitesize, 20-minute lunchtime discussion, plus sharing of ideas & networking with peers. Join live or watch the replay. Click here for more information.
Monday 19th September 1pm. - Podcast Live!
I am inviting you to join Jonathan Dickens & I on 19th September from 1.00-2.30pm for a free live online workshop called ‘5 Misconceptions About Recurring Themes in Reviews’. Whether you are involved in Domestic Homicide Reviews, Safeguarding?Adults Reviews, Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, or other learning activity, the discussion will be relevant to your practice.
Click here to sign up for your place: https://bit.ly/lalsept
Thursday 10th November 1pm. - Podcast Live!
I am pleased to be able to inform you of the new date for the postponed June Podcast Live with Liane James (Project Lead, Single Unified Safeguarding Review, Welsh Government) and I. Join us on Thursday 10th November for a FREE live online discussion called ‘The 5 Features of the Welsh Single Unified Safeguarding Review’, Click the link below for the details & to reserve your seat - https://bit.ly/laljune
Episode 010 of The Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse Sector Podcast - ‘The Challenges of Commissioning Reviews’ with guest Robin Harper-Coulson.
Balancing the budget whilst ensuring the quality of reviews is a challenge for any commissioner of reviews. In the latest episode of The Safeguarding & Domestic Abuse Sector Podcast, you can listen to a conversation with Robin Harper-Coulson, ex-Business Manager of a Safeguarding Children Partnership. Listen in to hear how an unhelpful review led one partnership on the journey to find quality & ultimately to creating in-house expertise to conduct reviews.
Click here to listen or find it on your favourite podcast player: https://bit.ly/sdaspod
Donna Ohdedar, Head of SILP
Donna has 16 years public sector experience, including her last role as Head of Law for a leading metropolitan authority. Now a safeguarding adviser & trainer, Donna is involved in serious case reviews in both children’s and adults’ safeguarding, domestic homicide, and is a SILP Reviewer and Mentor. Donna offers ‘SILP School’ her university accredited training course, CPD for reviewers & a free online network for leaders in review practice. Click here to join. Click here to hear the latest episode of the Safeguarding & Domestic Abuse Sector podcast.
Find me on Twitter: @LtdReview
Find me on Facebook: Review Consulting Ltd