Where to Unlock Abyssos Savage in Final Fantasy XIV
Unlock Abyssos Savage in Final Fantasy XIV

Where to Unlock Abyssos Savage in Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV introduced the new savage raid tier called Pandaemonium: Abyssos with patch 6.2. Savage raids represent the highest difficulty end-game content and require solid gear, coordination, and mastery of mechanics to complete. Unlocking Abyssos Savage can be a bit obscure, so this guide provides a full walkthrough.

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Prerequisites for Abyssos Savage

Before you can access Abyssos Savage, there are a few requirements you need to meet first:

  • Complete Main Scenario Quest: You must have finished the main scenario questline "Buried Memory" that was introduced in patch 6.2. This is required to unlock all the new content.
  • Gear Item Level: To take on savage raids, you'll want to have decent gear, preferably item level 610 or higher. Many players recommend full Augmented Radiant's gear from the current normal mode raids.
  • Complete Level 90 Role Quest: As usual with unlocking savage raids, you must complete the current role quest "Of Metal Unyielding" available at level 90. This unlocks in Old Sharlayan.

Once you meet those prerequisites, you can unlock the savage tier.

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Step-by-Step to Unlock Pandaemonium Abyssos Savage

Here is the full process you need to follow:

  1. Accept the quest “An Unwelcome Visitor” from NPC Claudien in Labyrinthos (X:8.2, Y:28.3).This quest officially unlocks the Pand?monium: Abyssos normal raid.
  2. Clear the Pand?monium: Abyssos raids on normal mode:Complete the raids in order by progressing through the questline:The Fifth CircleThe Sixth CircleThe Seventh CircleThe Eight Circle
  3. Speak to NPC Nemjiji in Labyrinthos (X:8.4, Y:27.4) after completing the normal mode version of the raid.Nemjiji then unlocks even more difficult Savage versions of the raid.
  4. Clear the four extreme trial fights in succession:Proto Carbuncle (The Fifth Circle)Hegemone (The Sixth Circle)Agdistis (The Seventh Circle)Hephaistos (The Eight Circle)
  5. Return and report your success to Nemjiji in Labyrinthos.This officially unlocks access to Pandaemonium: Abyssos (Savage)

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So in summary, you must:

  1. Unlock normal mode
  2. Clear all normal mode fights
  3. Unlock extreme trials
  4. Clear all extreme trials
  5. Report back to unlock savage

And that's it! The full Pandaemonium: Abyssos (Savage) difficulty is now available to be challenged.

What to Expect in Abyssos Savage

The Pandaemonium savage raids are designed to severely test groups of 8 highly skilled players. Compared to normal mode, you can expect:

  • Increased complexity of mechanics
  • Additional boss phases and transitions
  • More damage dealt to players and tanks
  • Enrage timers that require high raid DPS
  • Coordination needed for stack mechanics
  • Precise positioning requirements

The rewards are also improved over normal mode drops, making it worth the effort for end-game gearing.

Some specific fights in Abyssos Savage to note:

  • Proto Carbuncle: Has a maze maze phase and Petrification mechanic
  • Hegemone: Chains maximum HP reducing bleed debuffs on players
  • Agdistis: Inflicts a stack damage vulnerability debuff during add phases
  • Hephaistos: Requires quick reactions to eruptions that fill over 70% of the arena

Learning and overcoming these savage fights provides some of the biggest challenges in all of Final Fantasy XIV!

Finding a Group for Savage Progression

You may need to find an organized group using Party Finder to tackle these savage fights. Some tips when looking for a group include:

  • Check for a macro: Many groups advertise requirements or expectations in Party Finder macro text. Review them to see if it seems like a good fit.
  • Review looting rules: Make sure your group has fair rules set on whether loot will be free-for-all, use a priority system, or have static assignments.
  • Join progression or clear parties: You can start without clears, but you may need to find learning parties first if you are very new.
  • Inspect other players: Checking item levels and job choices on other members can help make sure the group has the needed roles and gear.
  • Bring potions and food: Even early progression will expect you to be fully buffed with stat-boosting consumables.

Finding the right group can require some trial and error, but is essential to survive these high-difficulty encounters!

Gearing Up for Savage Viability

Gearing up your jobs should be a priority before stepping into savage. Each major patch tends to raise the game's overall item level. Here are some targets to hit at a minimum to contribute effectively:

  • Weapon: Should be item level 620 or higher
  • Left Side Gear: Ideal average left side IL is 610+
  • Accessories: Can be slightly lower item level depending on melds
  • Augmentations: Use items like Astronomy ink to augment gear to 620
  • Weekly Tomestone Cap: Hit the limit on both Astronomy and CAsphodelos stones weekly

Also meld your gear properly to boost substats, meeting group guidelines. Finding Party Finder groups will be much easier at higher item levels as well.

So get your best gear assembled and jump into the challenge! With practice and persistence, the top-tier rewards can be yours.

Rewards for Completing Abyssos Savage

The rewards for overcoming this intense challenge include:

  • Euphrosyne Armour Coffers: ilvl 640 left side gear
  • Radiant Host Accessories: ilvl 630 rings and chokers
  • Weapons: Upgradable glowing weapons with aesthetic effects
  • Mounts: Each fight drops a mount themed around the circle of hell
  • Orchestrion Rolls: Unlock brooding music tracks
  • Achievements: Gain bragging rights with special Abyssos titles
  • Tomestones: Receive capped Astronomy and CAsphodelos weekly
  • Card Images: New triple triad cards become available

The armor and weapons are the main chase items that can greatly accelerate progression. But for many, overcoming the Ultimate challenges themselves is the real reward!

So now you know exactly how to gain access to the incredible challenges that await in the Pandaemonium: Abyssos (Savage) raid. Test your skills against this pinnacle of PvE content and see if your group has what it takes! Best of luck aspiring warriors of light!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What item level should I have before attempting Abyssos Savage?

Most groups recommend reaching item level 610 or higher before attempting savage raids. Augmented Radiant's gear is a good target.

Do I need to complete the normal mode raids first?

Yes, you must complete the entire Pandaemonium: Abyssos normal mode raid storyline before the savage version will unlock.

Where do I unlock savage raids?

Speak with Nemjiji in Labyrinthos (X:8.4, Y:27.4) after clearing normal mode to unlock savage.

What extreme trial fights must be cleared?

You need to clear Proto Carbuncle, Hegemone, Agdistis, and Hephaistos trials in succession before getting access.

Should I meld materia to my gear?

Melding your endgame gear properly is highly recommended to meet the DPS and survival checks in savage fights.

How do I find a savage progression group?

Check Party Finder for learning parties advertising in their macros. State your experience honestly when joining.

What rewards can I earn from Abyssos Savage?

Expect items like ilvl 640 armor, glowy weapons, mounts themed around the circles of hell, orchestrion rolls, cards, and unique achievements/titles.

Do I need to cap weekly tomestones?

Capping both Astronomy and CAsphodelos tomestone limits will accelerate your gearing process so you can be viable quicker.

What consumables should I bring?

You are generally expected to use potions like Grade 7 Tinctures and food like Sweet Madame Tea for every savage pull.

Can I start on later savage fights if I don't have earlier ones cleared?

Most learning parties want you to have all previous fight experience before attempting their specific fight. Full clears are strongly desired.


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