Where there is goodness, there is magic
Paula Fifield
New Business Director at Wildfire - Prospecting | Marketing | Demand Generation | GTM | Growth
I appreciate this may sound ‘a bit wet’, but I’m a massive fan of Cinderella – always have been. From singing ‘A dream is a wish..’ to my kids most nights since they were babies to the bangle my Mum presented me on my 40th birthday inscribed with the lyrics.
‘So what?’ I hear you murmur. Well, in the words of our recent rendition of the Disney Princess, it is wise to ‘Have courage and be kind…where there is kindness, there is goodness and where there is goodness, there is magic’. Whether you believe this or not, you have to admit that the notion is a nice one….even the most skeptical heart usually has hope.
I’ve been working with some campaign material provided by the Wildfire client services team this week which has been developed with Nominet Trust and I can honestly say, I think it is a perfect example of goodness pertaining to magic. And if you’re not a fan of Cinderella, think of the magic reference as being less Paul Daniels and more Del Boy Trotter, in that Del would use the word ‘magic’ interchangeably with the more technical term ‘lovely jubbly’.
Working with Nominet Trust, Wildfire had the honor of creating a storybook in support of the 2016 NT100 (a collection of the 100 best tech for good projects developed during the year) focusing on ‘Everyday Tech Heroes’. These are the people who have experienced or witnessed an adverse situation and, using digital technologies, turned it around into something good.
The storybook features all kinds of people, from all types of backgrounds and an eye-opening range of tech solutions and developments. One of the headlines resulting from this work was, ‘Afghan brothers who had ‘minefield as playground’ develop drone to clear mines’. And that relates to just one of 100 similarly inspiring stories.
Whether you’re a tech PR looking at social purpose / CSR, or simply interested in seeing inspiring examples of genuine ‘tech for good’….if you’d like to view the Nominet Trust PR campaign assets including the storybook – please drop me a line. I can personally vouch for the fact that it is cram-packed full of kindness, goodness and – I believe, magic! So to use another Del Boy-ism - go on…you know it makes sense :)