Where it started...
Gerda Muller
Allied Health Private Practice Business Consultant. I help you build a Self-Running Practice, giving your more time and financial freedom, as you help more people in better and more effective ways.
Being only 6 months into our new home we, obviously, still have many boxes to unpack, after finally moving into our forever home after 3 years of renting whilst our house was being built.
As part of this ongoing unboxing, I recently came across my private practice diary from 2007 !!!! That is, the year in which I STARTED my own private practice here in Australia!
It was pretty surreal going through it and literally seeing my daily life on a page. In 2007, this paper diary was both my client diary and personal diary. Everything I did or had to do went in there.
For context, I had my 2nd child in December of 2006, registered the business name, The Psych Professionals, in February 2007, and saw my very first client in May 2007.
I had a small 19m2 office, with no waiting room and IT WAS PERFECT.
I sooooo loved the space!
The images that I’m sharing with you in this post from my 2007 diary, tells a bit of this story, being…
Image 1:?15 May 2007 – The Eftpos Machine being installed. This was such a big step! Being able to charge money for what you do – just mind-blowing at the time!
Image 2:?16 May 2007 – Seeing my very first Clinical Supervisor in Australia, Christine. I specifically choose her as she was local AND she had her own solo practice, which meant she could support me with everything I needed. At that time I had no idea of the existence of business coaches, so Christine was it for me and she was awesome.
Also on Image 2 you will see my meeting with my potential Accountant, Denise – Yes, I was ticking off all the essential steps in getting properly set-up (go me!).
Image 3:?18 May 2007- This was the day I saw my very first client!!!! Yes, it was a bulk-billing client, as I was just happy to take on anyone who would be willing to see me (a foreigner with a pretty heavy accent).
Image 4:?6 October 2007 – This is how I was doing my Cash Flow Forecasting back then. Just tallying up all my booked clients for the following week. You will note that by now I was charging what I referred to as full fees ($150 for Initials and $130 for Subsequent appts). I was also doing EAP work for $100 with some limited bulk-billing. As you can see, I quickly moved from bulk-billing to charging out of pocket rates.
Image 5:?26 November 2007 – This is what my diary looked like on the daily 6 months after my very first client. Seven clients booked with a GP Meet & Greet thrown in for good measure! Needless to say, by now I had made the decision to expand and hire my first clinician.
I guess the moral of the story is:?We all start at the beginning.
As such, my wish for you going into 2024 is to always remind yourself that you are on your own journey. So, when the dreaded voice of comparison comes knocking on your door in those moments of vulnerability and overwhelm, please tell it to take a hike.
Each of us are doing the best we can.
Each of us have our own set of unique challenges, circumstances, and support networks.
All that matters @everyone is that YOU are experiencing the forward momentum and growth that YOU desire for your business.
The second moral of the story is:?It takes time.
We all know and have seen the iceberg memes about success not happening overnight, yet, we still judge ourselves for not being ‘there’ yet. For not doing enough. For not being enough.
Building a long-term profitable and sustainable Self-Running Practice takes time and determination. It is also a lot of fun IF you allow yourself the grace of time.
Here to help you build a practice you can’t stop smiling about!
About the Author:
After starting her PhD on the topic of?"Psychologists as Practice Owners: Current Challenges, Coping & Success Predictors", Gerda was appalled at the lack of support for Allied Health Professionals going into Private Practice and decided to do something about it.?This was the start of?Private Practice Success Australia.
E: [email protected] | W: gerdamuller.com.au