Where To Start on Your Business Process Automation Journey.
The world of business process automation (BPA) is a bit of a minefield, or it can be to those who are a little out of touch with the world of technology and the solutions available which create greater efficiencies within our business.
Ultimately, BPA does exactly what it says on the tin when done correctly! But in a nutshell, it’s the use of software to automate repeatable, multistep transactions within a business.
But where do you start?
Well for many, they opt for a commercial off the shelf solution (COTS) which in some cases work well, however the problem that some people come up against is on paper/website it looks great and ticks a box, but the reality is that the outcome isn’t as expected, in fact 75% of these types of implementations fail.
It’s often the case that when an organisation is buying an off the shelf solution, it’s to replace another which previously failed to deliver the desired outcome! And in some organisations, they may have 5 or 6 disparate systems all working next to each other but very rarely together, which is costly and ineffective.
A prospect recently said “buy cheap buy twice” and unfortunately that’s correct! You do generally get what you pay for in this world, and for some cheap works but for how long? In this example they were still waiting for the desired outcome 26 months after purchase!
The other thing to consider is that an off the shelf subscription, may tick the box but you’re paying for something which isn’t required! Think about your Sky TV Package, you pay for so many channels but in actual fact you only want to watch the sports!
On the flip side bespoke software solutions can be costly, and can take time to implement, but when done correctly the outcome and ROI is great.
So, what does correct look like? Well, I can only really speak for ourselves, what works for our customers and how we have worked for the last 27 years. But hopefully the below helps you when you take the step in to business process automation as part of your digital transformation journey…
1.) Find a Digital Partner - The advice here is do your research, there are some incredible solutions providers but as is often the case there are also some poor ones. This is going to be a big investment in terms of time and money, so you need to align! Its not a quick process and you need to find a partner you can trust, who you see as a natural extension of your business! Confidence can also be gained by case studies and their previous experience. If a business has been around a number of years, then it’s likely they know a thing or two and have worked on projects delivering solutions to similar problems that you’re experiencing.
2.) What is the desired outcome! We know that nothings perfect but, in most cases, there are 2-3 pain points that need attention. Have a think about these and what your desired outcome is! A ‘Discovery Session’ is a great way of working through the business to understand the issues and obstacles which are preventing you from being more productive. The partner will work with you on this and help you to think differently! You may call this the ‘Art of the Possible’ but we always like to get key people in a room, a few biscuits and a brew and getting everything out on the table!
3.) You can’t boil the ocean! It’s a phrase our CEO uses regularly and its bang on! As mentioned previously this is a long game! Start small and focus on the main areas that need attention. Create automations around these as phase 1 and pick up phase 2 later down the line, don’t try and do it all at once, it never ends well!
4.) Automation Audit - Once a discovery session has taken place and you have your 3 key areas, an automation audit would then be the next step. This is a deep dive into the business and can take several hours if not days! But its vitally important to understand the complexity of the situation, a full report should then be provided on how each of the 3 pain points can be improved with software and the suggested solutions.
5.) Build – Out of the box bespoke solutions don’t do anything, they need to be configured and built to your required specification. So, it’s important you’re clear on the project deliverables but also the timeline! How long is a piece of string? It shouldn’t be the case if the automation audit is carried out properly, and your digital partner will know roughly how long it will take to build, and be able to manage your expectations properly.
6.) Ownership – Who is going to manage the project and relationship for your business. Do you have dedicated resource or is this just somebody who has the most technical knowledge. You should have key stakeholders involved on the journey sharing their thoughts and experience but make sure you have an owner internally who is available to work hand-in-hand with your Digital Partner.
7.) Communications/Project Milestones – As above who is leading this from the partner side, ensure there is project management with clear milestones to work towards. This is where the knowledge and experience of the partner will really kick in, and of course you need to get on! But make sure the partner and you are aligned on what is required and by when!
8.) Training – It goes without saying that the team will need training on the systems so make sure you have a clear plan to work towards. Your partner should have periods built into the project where you can get your hands on the system and really get to grips with it. This time is vital to ensure any tweaks or changes can be made to the configuration and set up, and that as a business you’re comfortable and getting the expected value.
9.) Control and Management – Of course with any system you should be in control and be able to manage any changes or requirements moving forward. Ensure this is an option and built into the solution you opt for. The last thing you need is to be reliant on others to make changes and charge you for the privilege!
10.) Finally, if it ain't broke don’t fix it! A good partner will ensure that where you have potential solutions in place, you don’t need to add another! It may just be some consultancy or tweaks that are needed but all this will come out of a conversation with a brew and a biscuit!
I hope this has been useful for you, we would appreciate your feedback and if you have any questions, please get in touch we would love to help.
Principal Account Executive, Enterprise Growth, UKISSA region
11 个月Really great article Alex.
Thought leader, consultant and advocate of how social housing can benefit from technology. Founder of the insight shacks and also a board member for Muirhouse and Non-Exec for Smplicare. Columnist for Housing Executive
11 个月Well, that got my interest. Happy Hump day to you too
WordPress Web Developer / Google Ads Specialist / Paid Media Expert / Performance Marketing / Offering WordPress and Google Ads PPC Services / Let's Connect ??
11 个月Valuable insights into navigating the world of business process automation! Finding the right digital partner and focusing on outcomes is key to success. ??
Have you considered how you can create greater efficiencies in your business next year and beyond, why not give this article a read with your morning coffee, it may give you some food for thought!