Where to Start When You Are Changing Careers

Where to Start When You Are Changing Careers

A career change can be an exciting and challenging time of transition in life. All too often, the careers people start off with are those that they have stumbled into by accident or chosen because it was what their families wanted, friends pursued, or what was the lucrative or ‘cool’ thing to follow at that time. Sometimes it is only later in life, when a deeper knowledge of the Self sets in, that you truly know what you want to do. This might call for changing careers.

Anyone can tell you that to change careers, at whatever age, may be the most frightening and yet the most rewarding thing as well. What are the career options in front of you as you contemplate this change in your life? What can you do to ensure that changing careers will be something you look back on, years from now, and feel satisfied and proud of doing? Here are some pointers:

 Focus on your natural talents, interests and strengths. Then look for career options that need those strengths and where you can fulfil your potential.

  • Networking is crucial to landing the job of your dreams in a completely new field or in getting that contract that will help you launch your dream venture. Having years of experience in a particular field almost always means that you have a treasure-trove of contacts. Make use of this!
  • If your dream is to break into a completely new field, it would be a good idea to volunteer or take a part-time job to get the experience and expertise necessary to put your foot into the door. Working at an interim role in the industry of your choice will also help you to move up to the position that you are aiming at.
  • If need be, look at going back to college or take classes in the industry that you are aiming to crack into. This will show any potential employers how serious you are about your passion.
  • Leverage the experience you have gained through your years of employment, your achievements and the skills learnt. Using this can help you successfully change careers as you are bound to have a lot of skills that can be transferred to another organization or industry, even if you do not have the relevant experience in it.
  • Before changing careers, make sure you do thorough and extensive research on the market you are targeting. Go online and read all about it.
  • Make sure you consolidate your financial resources when you are looking to change careers. It is important to have a good financial plan in place before you take the leap. If finances are tight, consider staying at your current job while you explore the career change. Let “Job A” fund your dream job “Job B”.
  • If possible, work part-time in your chosen field first before actually quitting your job. You could then gradually turn it to a full time job in the field of your choice and then quit your job.

Read more article here: https://bit.ly/1Jlvd4P


