Where to Start in the Middle of the Holiday Season
Being in the midst of the Holidays, sometimes we find our schedules full and we are left with the memories of having a good time, yet we are drained. This is a good time to stop and take a look at how you are handling your creativity.
Whether we allow our writing to have space or not, it is always there, waiting to express itself. A lot us will say we are waiting for the New Year and then we will begin. For some of us, this is the same thing we said last year about this year. Make a determined effort and write something today. With it being six days before Christmas, some people may be thinking there is just not enough time in the day. After reading this blog, jot a couple of notes down on your phone, on your computer or in a notebook. If you have already started something, go there, add two or three lines and maybe a couple of notes.
Some people don’t know where to start. Here are a few tips. If you want to write nonfiction, write down the top three problems you believe humanity face today. What do you believe is the answer? Don’t forget to research. Your readers should know you are knowledgeable and believable. IF you want to write non-fiction, who is your main character and what problem are they facing. Research here is important as well. If you are setting the story in Paris on Main Street, make sure there is a street in Paris by this name. If you are writing poetry, know there are many different poetic styles. When you write poetry consistently, you will develop your style.
There is time to write. All we have to do is make sure we do it.
The Literary Midwife – Cynthia L. Hatcher