Where to start....
Carol Ellen
Senior Recruiter, Global Talent Acquisition, Electronic Arts| Former Sony Music and Caldwell Partners
Daily I am seeing posts about 'how' to be and what to do during this unique time. The topics are relevant and touch on current concerns. In fact every time there's a new article my primal brain gets very turned on. That said it can be a bit overwhelming. I am grateful for the all of the incredible content available and find myself tagging/sharing and saving consistently and thinking on how to ingest and apply it in a meaningful way.
My two cents... or actually one penny
Choose ONE thing to focus on. I did not invent this, there are plenty of books and neuroscience studies to back all of this up. What I am pointing out is that by narrowing the aperture to one thing your sense of accomplishment will be big. So for example when I post about cleaning up one's LinkedIn that's huge. So, start with your 'headline'. Perhaps that's one day or week's worth of energy. Then next up on the 'to do' list is typing out your employment history. Perhaps you can assign each day of the week as an opportunity to itemize your accomplishments for company A, then B and C. Or break it down into even smaller chunks and parse that out per week.
So where will you start? Need some guidance on that? Happy to assist. Feel free to message me directly or comment below.