Where photography headed in 2022
Hush Naidoo
Photographer @ Jade Photography | Still Photographer, Photojournalism, Wedding Photography
So as I sit here after over 30 years in an industry I have grown to love and consider not a job but a passion . I still work up mornings gearing to go and create something that will inspire people . Make the masses stand up and say wow , how did they do that . Even when this pandemic hit the world and the NORMAL became the NEW NORMAL , I still created moments , memories for myself and many clients . I as many creatives refused to even consider that our industry is in a decline , not dead , just a decline.
Clients are considering do we need a professional photographer with years of experience in capturing that perfect moment , making sure they have focused , not cropped off heads , made the subject look good in the light . Do we really need someone like that to document our event . They thinking that is a huge expense , lets get joe/jane soap with that really good smart phone to capture it , we seen on social media how good they are .
We as creatives hear and see this and start to slightly doubt ourselves, we tend to step back and say hmmm maybe they right . SNAP out of that negative thought pattern, for those of us that has weathered the storms of film to digital to smartphones , we still have a lot to teach the masses about who and why we do what we do . Yes years ago we were subjected to the notion that photography was not a real job , we have stuck through that and proved them wrong. We are a vital part of any event that is taking place , we are the cave drawers , the scribes that wrote on papyrus, the artist that captured on canvas , we are the history keepers of moments that happened. Our images recorded history that people have forgotten until the relook at the images we captured .
What I am saying is that our craft is not dying , we are important , we are the history keepers without us capturing in focus , correct light , composed almost perfectly that moment frozen in time , it will be forgotten. 2022 is the year we unite and tell the world that we are needed , we are important , if anything this pandemic has proven that we have helped tell so many stories of people needing hope , faith and joy in the moments we captured . They read articles with a photo attached and found themselves there at that spot we froze, they saw great beaches , mountains , valleys , historic places and with the photo could imagine themselves there.
So creatives let band together with one voice and tell the world why we are important , not just hobbyist but HISTORY KEEPERS.
Hush - Jade Photography - South Africa .