Where is the Old Guard?
Rosey Grier broke the thumb of an assassin, Sirhan Sirhan. Merlin Olsen became a preacher and stand up role model. Deacon Jones would currently slap this batch of ingrates back to nowhere. And Lundy, yeah he fought off a real trouble.
Today's NFL has lost all leadership and the effects are a detriment to us all. There is no more Code of Conduct, wherein now 8 year olds for reasons they know not apply only what they see and shun the best nation that ever was. Disney's ESPN is a political tool. There is no safe haven or joy any longer.
The NFL could learn from NASCAR, which now no one cares, watches or shows up. Instead of the joy of competition, both have become a slow bake infusion of parity, big network deals with strings attached while selling their repulsive shows to kids at every commercial break.
Go to your job tomorrow and flip off not only your boss, but every single paying customer you have. Don't like your boss? Quit. Don't like your paying customers, go do something else entirely. As in, today.
The real legends of sports would whup your skinny arse.