Where now for Glencore ?
I thought it would be good to share my thoughts on Glencore Plc. Glencore suffered one of the worst week in terms of trading this week. This was mostly because of what is going in China and demand for commodities. Yes, I agree the commodities prices are at all time low but isn't the sell off bit over done in terms of Glencore share price ? It has huge debt close to 44 billion dollars and counting !!!! But it has one good thing going for it, the CEO Ivan Glasenberg.
It is believed that this man knows a thing or two about commodities to say the least. Most of his personal fortune is tied to Glencore. Depending what happens in terms global demand for commodities the share price is likely to rebound sometime in the next 2 to 3 three years. I am personally interested in building a position in this company with this in mind. Warren said ' 'Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful'