Where are my people?

Where are my people?

As businesss owners we are told to build a tribe, a group of loyal fans, a network of people who will support us in every endeavour we choose, buy from us at each price point and refer others to us, whilst also including us in conversations.

Over the last few months, I have been writing my latest book 'Being a Digital Nomad' which highlights the last 4 years of my life sailing around the world, running my business on line from both the middle of the oceans and from remote locations around the world.

It has brought up a lot of awareness and confronted me on many levels.


Because I have realised that whilst I am a lovely person, with a lot of love to give, the more aware I become of the beauty within the people around the world, the more isolated I become.


Because the conversations I have, and want to have, very few people can relate to. Many of the things I see happening around the world, I feel disillusioned by, because even after the last twenty years of speaking and writing about the various aspects of society, we as humans are still not learning; and we are still having the same conversations.

Just as Matt Ridley wrote in The Red Queen Theory, "The more we evolve the more we stay the same", and he's right, in so many ways.

When I wrote Walaahi, I highlighted what it was like living in Egypt during the Egyptian Uprising as a white, English woman, who not only understood the language, the culture and the dynamics of the political and social cultures across Egypt, but as a woman who understood the three different Abrahamic faiths and had been married to an Egyptian/Palestinian for over 15 years.

I wrote of political patterns I saw playing out and how it wouldn't be long until all those who ignored the problems of the 'rag heads' and 'brown faces' of Egypt, the Arab world, and the Muslim world, would soon be experiencing these problems for themselves.

History may be a bore to many, but when we look at life and the problems faced by so many around the world, history is not just repeating itself once, twice, or three times over; it is repeating itself century after century after century.


Because the majority of people are still not wanting to be made uncomfortable by their own ignorance or by actually standing alone to be the voice of the voiceless.

The thing is though, the problems we face in the world are not quick fixes, nor are they easy to understand on many levels; and yet they are very simple to understand.

People do not know how to help, nor do they even know where to start helping others, let alone how or where to get involved in being a solution to the problem; so they stick to the conversations the majority are having because then the human need of safety, also known as inclusion, is met.

There is a safety in numbers, even if the numbers are wrong, the safety is in the majority.

I have just been having with my coach about the Authority MasterMind Collection which I have created (Https://dawnbates.com/authoritymasterminds). It is a powerful combination of subjects, all desinged to address the 7 vital areas of any successful business:

  • Leadership: the ethics, morality and values of past models
  • Leadership: moving foward, natural leaders and developing our own models
  • Cultural Diversity and Cohesion: vitally important for the future of any business
  • Social Justice and Human Rights: Is any organisation worth working for or with if they do not know, understand and implement either of these into the business model?
  • Ego, Self-worth and Imposter Syndrome: addressing the "Why me?" and "Who am I to be an authority? Who am I to have these levels of successs?"
  • Branding and Story Telling: Essential elements of any organisation, not just a For Profiit, or a NFP, but every kind of organisation on the planet.
  • Media Mindset Marketing and PR: if no-one knows we exist, do we exist, and if we do, how can we be seen by the right people?

I kow that many of the conversations I have, the thoughts and questions I have, and the work I do in the world are being silenced, and not just by the media, or the various social media platforms, but by the people in my space.

So I have had to ask myself "Why are these people even in my space?" It's a bit like being inviting people into your home for a dinner party and being ignored by them all. People are only in our on line spaces because we allow them to be, so when they don't engage, have conversations with us, or we have nothing in common, then we have to ask ourselves why they are in our space.

I am in the process of cleansing my online spaces, removing people who are not willing to have the conversations or engage with me. I wouldn't allow myself to stay in a romantic relationship with someone who ignores me, so why stay in any other kind of relationship with people who ignore us?

None of us are going to agree on many things, and agreeing to disagree is more than likely going to be the order of the day, but at least having the right people in our space will be an opportunity to have the conversations, find solutions and create opportunties to help make the world a much better place.

Sailing around the world as an author and a writer of high level content, studying political and social situations and then sharing my observations isn't the lifestyle many would be able to live, even if they do think it is 'living the dream'.

It can be lonely if the right people are not in your space, and yet many are happier to be surrounded by people and feel lonely, rather than stand alone.

Being the kind of person who would rather be part of the solutions instead of the problems, someone who does speak up and out, and does confront people on an almost hourly basis when in the company of others, take a lot of courage.

As a collective we admire the courage of others, it is why names such as Mandela are revered and women like Maya Angelou has so many quotes plastered over memes, shared by millions on social media.

They stood for something in a world that wanted to silence them, but they kept going, and they kept showing up, and they made a difference. They gave hope and inspiration to millions, one person at time, and yet they were just one person who would not give up on making a difference, of standing for something more important than prestige, or followers, or profits.

They stood as a beacon of light in a dark world, wanting to make the world a better place. The same reason I created the Authority MasterMind Collection. I want to make the world a better place, with a select group of people who are ready to have the kind of conversations that need to be had.

Taking part in a high level group MasterMind is a very special opportunity to grow, learn and collaborate. An opportunity to share our knowledge, network and elevate consciousness, and it also requires a dedication, a commitment and an acceptance of differences of opinions and ideas to get to the root of a solution for various challenges, dialogues and situations.

I have every faith the select individuals who share my vision for a better world will show up and claim their place on my MasterMinds, I wouldn't have had the vision for it, and wouldn't have created excitment amongst the experts that are joining me and the 11 on each MasterMind if it wasn't going to be a HUGE Success.

They were never going to be an easy sell, but then again good habits are hard to make but easy to live with, whereas bad habits are easy to make but hard to live with.

Being aligned with the wrong people is easy, but finding our people, our tribe, when working in the areas of social change isn't; but when we find them, life does become a whole lot more enjoyable, and easier for us all...

My people are the ones who know they were born to change the world for the better, the 1% in the 1% who wish to use their success and influence to change the world, the global discourse and be the beacons of light in the darkness.

Are you one of my people? If you are, let's connect and make a real difference in the world.



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