Where Is My International Package?
Marc Zazeela, De-mystifying Cross Border Ecommerce
When You Want To Know Everything About Cross Border Ecommerce
Being in international parcels and logistics,I get this question a lot. The answer is simple, yet complicated at the same time. Shipping internationally involves lots of moving parts; far more than shipping domestically. Adding a global pandemic to the equation, makes shipping ever more challenging and somewhat less predictable. First, let's examine how most ecommerce parcels travel internationally.
1) parcels are packed and made ready to ship
2) parcels are picked up by your international consolidator
3) parcels are consolidated and prepared for international shipment
4) consolidated shipment is brought to the airport and handed off to the international air carrier
5) consolidation is loaded onto passenger aircraft for shipment to the international destination (most ecommerce travels on passenger flights)
6) shipment arrives at hub and goes through customs clearance process
7) once cleared, parcels are handed off to local couriers and/or postal operations
8) local operators deliver to the consumer
Whew!That's a lot of steps. What could go wrong? A lot. Here are some of the issues that are causing delays during COVID 19.
- Consolidators are working with reduced staff due to social distancing and employee illness.
- Worldwide passenger air traffic has been reduced by 50% compared to this time last year. Fewer planes means less capacity. Carriers are seeing backlogs of up to one week,or more.
- International customs authorities are also working with reduced staff due to spacial considerations and employee illness. Shipments are taking longer to clear, creating long backlogs.
- Local postal authorities, and couriers, are also operating with fewer employees.
So, there are a lot of factors that, when added together, can contribute to lengthy delays. And,the double edged sword is current worldwide volume is about 50% greater than this time last year. Put that into an already overwhelmed system, and the results are not hard to imagine.
Where is my international package? Be patient, it will get there.