Where The Magic Happens…

Where The Magic Happens…

What keeps an individual trapped inside that imaginary place we call a comfort zone???

Is it fear? The fear of possible failure? The fear of the unknown? The fear of others opinions?

To?often people get stuck in a place that feels comfortable but in a sense they could be robbing themselves of their true potential. Stepping out of that imaginary box is definitely a scary and uncomfortable feeling due to the fact that you’ll be doing things you’re not used to doing on a regular basis.

You might find yourself making more phone calls, meeting with various people, working odd hours of the day, feeling overwhelmed, nervous, having moment’s when you just want to throw in the towel and give up. Be we all know great thing’s don’t come easy.

Think of how many people stayed in that little imaginary box and missed out on opportunities to write the next best-selling book, had an idea for the next best invention, become the next best comedian, the next great actor, starting up that next fortune 500 company, pursuing a career doing something they truly?love!!! The list goes on, all these things plus more are possible but most never come to light for the simple fact that people hate feeling uncomfortable!!!

Where the magic happens?is on the outside.

There you will find things like abundance, fulfillment, excitement, opportunity, freedom, passion, success, even that uncomfortable feeling which is all part of the process when deciding to step outside the boundaries of the known to the unknown. Don’t be the person who lives behind fear and regrets it all in the end. Don’t?deprive the world of?the possible gifts and talents you have to offer?because?of some imaginary place?created by the mind.?And?never settle for less the sky is the limit.

In the voice of the great?Wayne Gretzky “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”?

Check out more content at Tapped In Minds


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