Where do Christians draw the line on what’s acceptable and what isn’t? The Bible gives us clear instructions on right and wrong. The Bible even goes as far as saying just because something isn’t wrong, that doesn’t mean we should do it (REF. I Corinthians 10:23, 24). God has given us the ability to think and reason, yet sometimes we may not use those abilities as they should be used.
?I saw a video of a gentleman talking about what we deem acceptable. He asked what would happen if he was preaching in a congregation on a Sunday morning when in the middle of his sermon he used the name of our Lord as a cuss word. Then he went on and said what if a few moments later I took the name of the Lord in vain in my sermon? How might the people react? Then he went on and said What if I had a young couple join me on the stage and they started to kiss and take their clothes off. How would the congregation react? It is obvious that the congregation would not stand for that. They would say, “You cannot do that here. It is wrong!” Then the man went on to ask the question, of those objecting to what was happening, how many just 12 hours earlier on Saturday night may have been at the movie theater watching the same thing but not objecting? There we call it entertainment.
?This is a drastic illustration of part-time Christianity. I know that there are many things that are not sinful, yet there is a place and time. On the other hand, sinful activity is always wrong no matter where you might be. I have heard people criticize others for cussing or fibbing in the church building. Those things are wrong no matter where you are. The church building is not sacred. It is not God’s dwelling place; He dwells in Christians!
?Friends, God has drawn the line between right and wrong, we have blurred it because we want to justify our actions or thoughts. People love loopholes. God didn’t leave any loopholes in His word. Though God may not have specifically mentioned a particular sin, He did say avoid every kind of evil (I Thessalonians 5:22). That is pretty specific.
?Be sure your heart is being ruled by God and His word, and then you don’t have to worry about drawing lines, they have already been drawn!
Read Ephesians 4:17-32