Ayah W. Abine
Productivity & Business Leadership Consultant, mMBA, CMC, CSC, CCRC, CHRP, CPMA, CPMPMaximizing Personal & Corporate Potential to increase productivity & profitability for sustainability.
"Some countries are obvious examples of how great nations can end as beggars if they don’t have the right leadership. Even powerful things like the Ark of the Covenant loses its powers where there is no king because evil and chaos take over. Are you doing enough to take your predestined and predesigned role as King & Priest." - Coach TIL
The first thing to make crystal clear is the fact that we are all Kings & Priest based on the prescriptions of Rev. 5:10. So as I move forward, I want you to keep this in mind and to have an open mind as we will establish a few patterns, situations and solutions to what we face in the world today.
John C. Maxwell, one of the best if not the best in Leadership says that “everything rises and falls on leadership. This can’t be overemphasized and that is why if you check God’s ways with His people Israel, He was always very clear & intentional about leadership and the succession imperative.
Follow me very closely here...
When we had judges in Israel, in spite of everything that God had done for them, people still practiced idolatry and if you pay attention to this passages, you will notice that it is because of the absence of a King, or we can say the absence of good leadership.
This situation lead to idolatry by Micah (Jgs. 17) which he used to bring in the Levite and then an entire tribe (Danites) followed him into this wrong path. The Danites who were also experiencing poor leadership would have automatically fallen for something that appeared to be working.
What is interesting about these situations of no or poor leadership is that it always ends in great losses in all perspectives. In the case of Israel, due to the evils of the Danites, the battle that ensued led to loss on both sides in Israel, brothers & sisters fighting each other to their own peril.
You just can’t afford to miss this...
In some countries in Africa, I am sure we see the same thing today, where brothers and sisters are fighting each other and are not even ashamed to talk about it. However, that is what to expect when there is no King, and by King here, we are referring to someone ordained/predestined to be in charge of an area.
That is why I mentioned Rev. 5:10, because my definition of King here is not about some position or title but about men entering to be Kings in their PURPOSE. It is along these lines that I see us turning this situation around, having Kings like Christ was/is when it came/comes to redemption & salvation.
Where good people are not dominating, you can’t blame evil for being in charge. There is no middle way (lukewarm), it is either hot or cold, good or evil. We need to consider taking charge of the various areas in which we are supposed to be Kings to show the right way and make God’s Will central.
Stick with me dear friend...
The point I am passing here therefore is that the Kings we need are people who are doing God’s Will (PURPOSE). Once you are doing that with all your heart, you have entered your assignment as King and you can make things to happen, otherwise, you will see what we have today as a world.
Where there is no King, people commit all kinds of atrocities and that is what happened when the sons of Eli in the first book of Samuel were doing all sorts of evil things to the extent where the Ark of the Covenant stopped defending them. It looked like it had lost its power but it was just avoiding evil people.
This even led to the capture of the Ark by the Philistines and once it got to their land, whether Ashdod, Ekron or Gath, it put them through all kinds of trouble and trauma until they took their own hands to send it back to Israel with an offering for their sin of capturing the Ark of the Covenant
You really need to stick with me friend...
It is due to this that I wrote an article about dictatorship and democracy because I have seen that the extent to which people have lost their way today, we need PURPOSE Driven Dictators to bring people back to the right lane. If you read that article, you will get the point very clearly and be able to apply it.
Having the right people will also lead to a proper leadership succession making the leadership succession imperative to come to life. I also put down an article on this since I understand (through grace) how leadership is important every time and everywhere in your business and/or organization.
In truth, where there is no King, where there is poor leadership, you will see evil things becoming good. Or maybe I should refer to it as influential leadership because the world today is probably fooling itself that it has leaders, the ones who are taking us into the New Age and the New World Order.
Are we not really sorry, hear now...
I really pray that we will have new Kings even inside this fallen generation who will lead those interested to and through the right path and even those not interested but who can be converted to the right path. It is not possible to do this without not just good but great leadership (Kings).
Remember that when I mention King I am looking at the ones talked about in Rev. 5:10, or Ps. 82:6 or 1Chr. 16:22 or Ex. 7:1 or Gal. 3:29 and other places where our godly status is mentioned, establishing us as coheirs with Christ and children of Abraham.
This is me praying that you accept to take your role as King/Queen & Priest/Priestess.
Take home nuggets...
Everything rises and falls on leadership.
There is no other leader than you a King & Priest (Rev. 5:10) to help in this case.
As coheirs with Christ & the seeds of Abraham, we have what it takes to turn all of this around.
The world is waiting for you to maximize your Potential in its favour.
Magnanimously Yours!
Ayah W. Abine
Productivity & Business Leadership Consultant
WhatsApp: https://bit.ly/3CkHA3c
“You can create your life.” – Coach TIL