Where I go…pen enhances the digital experience
They say in fashion that if you hang onto your drab old item of clothing long enough it will again become trendy – and I guess the same can be said for the humble pen and its cursive scribblings on sheets of notepad paper.
Okay, we – well, let me clarify that by saying we as in most households in the developed world – have been increasingly consumed by what’s widely known as the Digital Age for well-nigh 30 years, but have you noticed a few subtle disruptions of an 'old-school' variety sneaking in?
I have…and mine came after being nagged for nearly a decade by my child to get an interactive pet as the jolly old goldfish no longer filled that need – and besides, she’d died a peaceful, age related, watery death a year-or-so ago.
I succumb and a kitten enters our home but not without a few reservations, foremost of which is the amount of time we as a family spend at work or school each day…which might bring on such boredom and loneliness for kitty that she packs up and runs away, leaving my child an even more disappointed child than before.
Time is precious so I’m delighted to find a pet store that offers free product delivery straight to your door. And, as I’m forever frugal with money I’m doing a quick reconnaissance to ensure it’s a competitive deal when, 'tah-daaaah', an email arrives offering a 20 per cent discount. It’s excellent value for money and I place the necessities order.
I’m super impressed when, returning from work the very next day, there are three boxes neatly stacked on my doorstep. I’m just recovering from my ‘wow, how’s that for fast, efficient service?’ moment when the impressed streak goes up a notch. There, in the first box I open, is a hand-written note to my husband.
‘And it comes with old-school manners, too,’ I ponder, utterly captivated as I read the personalised thank you missive from the store.
Thirty years ago, I’d have thought nothing more of what was stock-standard normal back then. Now, I’m not only stopped in my track, but inspired to capture the rare and enchanting experience in a blog on brilliant digital disruption.
Yes, the wheel is turning and the pen and paper again has its place in the world of online service providers and home deliveries.
High five Pet Stock, you’re a rare breed – pardon the pun – and for your efforts, you have my ongoing custom and loyalty!
For more blogs please go to my website: www.whereigo.net