Where Is Here...

Where Is Here...

Spell Check has made us careless writers. I don't know how many times I've read and reread an email or text and the wrong words have been plastered all over the itty bitty screen. The computer automatically assumes your next thought.  I was shocked to hear about why Space Force was put into play inside the ranks of our military. The newsman said, "To protect the satellites that bring to us direction ."  GPS and other navigational devices push your car toward where you need to be. We depend so much on technology that its no longer a blessing but a way of life. I had to ask to myself, "Where am I?" I know we're here! But where is here? How do we live a normal life when most can't get half their body out of a past they can't change? It kills me when Facebook posts those flashback entries. This is where you were five years ago! No! I spam that stuff. I don't want to see it. Where is here? How do we focus on here without having to waste a ton of time on a future that comes with no guarantee? Can you imagine what life would be like if there was a satellite that got you closer than anything to your dreams coming true? How do you activate a path that wants to be present in the now? By walking away from the circles of family and friends that only want to talk about the past. Sounds mean right? Not really. Through awareness you're able to spot a time traveler and locate a ripe excuse as to why you don't need to be there. I don't listen to old songs in the way I used to. Each time I hear Journey's Don't Stop Believing I allow this moment to be the new memory. It's almost like telling myself that every song on the radio is brand new. I recently spent some time with Paul McCartney's mother Angie. 90 years old! A ball of energy and fun! Loved it when she said I'm just getting started. She experienced World War II and all things after and she's still got forward flow! Where is here? I know where I am. On a computer connecting with you. In this present place of now is there peace? My side of the screen says yes. Where is your here?


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