Where Hazard Pay is Deserved
Kroger has decided to close various supermarkets instead of paying its employees "Hazard pay." As many dullards complain about "Zoom fatigue"? You aren't in physical danger as you talk to people over the internet and get paid.
I do not know why Kroger supermarkets have different names in different areas. Phoenix had Fry's. That was a good name and I shopped there for a time. I never liked the name King Soopers. It is not an appealing name for a store.
They are receiving the wrong kind of publicity as a mass shooting occurred yesterday. Some were in line to be vaccinated. Was the shooter having a "Bad day?" Where are the so called "Woke" who are offended by Pepe Le Pew?
Those cartoons were all the same and not as offensive as laws that never change. There will be more mass shootings. More non violent offenders of color will be killed by the police. "Say his name" because there will be more. It doesn't matter who is President- there will be more mass shootings and politicians will say "We are not taking away your guns."
No one ever says the assailants should not have easy access to firearms. The NRA should speak out against these killings. They give reasonable gun owners a bad name. Didn't I say this after the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting?
There are no safe spaces. Someone went to the store to pick up tomatoes for dinner and never made it home. The assailant shot a police officer and will live to see tomorrow. Eric Talley had seven children who no longer have a father.
Does it matter what the motive was? When in doubt? Say you are a sex addict. I question if sex addiction exists or if it is an excuse men make to justify wrongdoing. It makes me nostalgic for men who used that excuse when they were caught cheating.
See? These shootings blend together. I have to mention my sister's husband was on the Virginia Tech campus when thirty-one were killed in 2007. If he were in a different area? My sister would never have had the chance to meet him.
They are coming up on ten years together, eight years married. Yes, it's what you are supposed to do. Crazed young men do not care about other people's lives. Post your "Be Kind" hashtags all you want (hashtags are as effective as bumper stickers) people are dying.
There was one mass shooting in New Zealand. What did they do? Ban assault weapons. Since 2014 when I started writing on this site there have been more mass shootings than I can recall. I wrote about the shooting at The Navy Yard before I had this forum.
Not much changes. If you are reading this? You will probably be in or know someone who is in a mass shooting. Guns are easily accessible and young white men become unhinged frequently. There is no solution I can make, nothing that can prevent the next mass murder which will happen sooner rather than later.