Where Have You Set Your Limits?
Do you have a set of goals that you’re working to achieve within a specific time frame? It’s an important question because most people drift through life without having a clear idea of where they’re heading. That’s why goals are so important.
But the question today is to ask you how you arrived at your current set of expectations. What parameters did you use to determine what’s possible in your life? And why is this relevant?
Let’s frame the issue in financial terms. When you ask someone how much they intend to earn, it’s a well-established fact that the answer provides a reliable indicator of that individual’s performance or production ceiling. The figure we come up with represents an internal level of value that most people rarely exceed. The same principle applies to any goals or objectives that we set for ourselves. We tend to aim for what’s comfortable, following a deeply-inscribed description of our sense of value or worthiness.
When you choose your goals, it’s important to be prepared to move the boundaries of whatever you think might be possible. In other words, one of the best ways to assess your goals is to see if they make you feel uncomfortable. This is the only way to test your resolve, to encourage growth and step beyond your limitations. It is so much better to fall short of a hugely ambitious goal that will still exceed whatever you’ve achieved in the past. Please don’t settle for less when your abilities are crying out for expression. Discover what you’re really capable of achieving and smile at the satisfaction of making the world a better place to share.