“Where have all the wrenches gone?”
Via: The Piston Foundation: Most people’s perception of auto repair work is a greasy life spent tinkering with mechanical parts in an old, dirty garage. But the reality is that today’s auto technicians need to know how to understand and diagnose complex computer systems and other onboard electronics more than ever before. And without a strong talent pool to choose from, consumers and dealerships, alike, are facing the brunt of the national shortage.
“Roughly 80 percent of repairs today are electrical.”
While the auto repair industry is still trying to fight the stigma of an old man’s repair shop, #dealership servicing centers have struggled to find qualified talent to work on new cars whose “mechanical and electronic complexity have outpaced improved vehicle reliability,” leading to a flood of repair jobs that have overwhelmed the industry. And the deluge of work has forced some dealerships to tighten the bolts on how they spend their time, focusing more on whichever work brings in the most profit, while rushing through ‘warranty jobs’ (those covered under warranty) that do not bring in as much of a profit as others, leading to unsatisfied customers who are forced to wait weeks for what can often end up being sub-par repair work.
“The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics says an average of 76,000 mechanics are needed each year between 2016 and 2026, both to replace those retiring or leaving the industry and to fill some 46,000 projected new openings.”
Despite the current state of affairs, #auto manufacturers and technical schools are pointing to the industry’s bright future as reason to celebrate… and to recruit. Two and four-year technical programs are being offered to more and more students out of high school, as manufacturers like #Audi, #BMW, and #FiatChrysler have coordinated with high school career counselors and tech schools like Lincoln Technical Institute to attract younger talent and teach them the ins and outs of today’s new car world.
#AutoRepair work is essential to our country’s economy and cannot be understated in its importance both to road safety and financial security. The #PistonFoundation knows that America’s youth will serve as the bedrock for the next generation of auto repairs, and supports any institution that works to support or promote the #automotive industry.
Story via: Benjamin Preston for Car and Driver https://bit.ly/2HNdz0g