Where Have All the Adults Gone?

Where Have All the Adults Gone?

I love to motivate, inspire, and encourage others to unlock their true potential. We live in an age where we have more resources than any time in history. In fact, it seems like a new book is released weekly that offers the “hidden” secrets to success. The reality is, there are no secrets! Instead, as adults, we need to grow-up and apply some basic principles and values. This message is not meant to offer any secrets, only a gentle reminder of virtues that will transform your life. I will share only three virtues, but if these virtues were applied alone—it will be life-changing. 

·      The Golden Rule: Love your neighbor as yourself. Most of us prefer to be treated with respect and kindness. If we would only share the love we desire with others, the world and the workplace would look completely different. Instead, adults have become narcissistic, which has nothing to do with loving yourself. It a self-centered approach to getting what you want even at the expense of others. Many adults are driven by fame, fortune, and power. Everyone wants to be the next “American Idol” in their world. Just look at politics and you’ll seen grown babies positioning for power at all costs. 

·      Humility: Pride is at the root of almost every problem. Many people feel untouchable and that they deserve preferential treatment. Humility is a virtue that can’t be taught, it must be bought, with blood, sweat, and tears. You earn humility through the fiery furnace of life as you seek to grow through adversity.

·      Tranquility: This is a state of inner peace and confidence. It encompasses patience, gentleness, kindness, order, and stability. This is a rare quality today. Everyone is fighting for position, power, and popularity. A tranquil person has peace in the midst of the storm. They are a shade giving tree in a thirsty land. 

If you show me a person that practices the Golden Rule, is Humble, and has Tranquility—I will show you a wise person that understands “The Secret Laws” of success. They remain a secret, yet they are common sense. The problem with common sense is that it is not common practice. If you did not read another “success” book, but sought to practice the virtues that I shared, I can guarantee you that you would achieve the success you desire. Your relationships would be healthy. You would make wise choices. Your stress would melt away. Your co-workers would enjoy your company. As a leader, you would have more influence because people would want to follow you.

"Only a humble person can be free." --Jeff Wilson


