Where Grace Enters a Heart That No Longer Knows How to Close
Carol A. Grojean, Ph.D.
My passion lies in the seamless fusion of ancient wisdom and modern technology, leveraging systems thinking and strategic storytelling to drive transformative change and cultivate sustainable, regenerative cultures.
You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. — Rumi
I stand here on the other side of that dark season, knowing more intimately now the soft landscape of my own heart. With its harsh winds and unrelenting cold, the winter I once lamented was not some frigid cruelty hurled at me. Rather, it was a secret invitation into a deeper understanding. In the midst of my sobs and shivers, I felt my heart shatter over and over, the fragmentation so fierce that for a time I hardly recognized myself. But that fracturing has become my greatest teacher—my heart, once so deft at defending, now doesn’t recall how to shield itself. And so, into that raw, gaping vulnerability, grace has slipped in quietly like a new dawn, illuminating the places where I had always been afraid to go.
I can feel a different current of love rising from within, not a love tainted by expectation or held hostage by fear, but one that simply flows because it must. It flows from a place that has seen how brittle our soul’s walls can be and how easily they can crumble when truth insists on a meeting. After the reckoning, after I have been brought to my knees and wept into the soil of my own becoming, I feel a tenderness that is not dependent on anyone else’s approval or presence. It is simply there, like an ancient spring thawing out beneath layers of frost. This love hums and vibrates from my center, asking for nothing, needing no justification. It is a love that arises when all the old protections fail, and all that remains is the essential being I am—messy, uncertain, yet utterly alive.
Human life is full of questions, now perhaps more than ever, and yet I realize that the answers I sought in the outside world could never fill the trembling gaps inside me. The biggest question was always the one I carried in my own chest: who am I, and how do I become that self more fully? Amidst the chaos of modern life, where everything feels on the brink of collapse, it dawns on me that no great shift in the world can come before a meaningful shift within a single soul. The heart must crack to let in the light; the soul must risk everything to discover its buried genius. I see now that I had been trying to choose the “right” way—some prescribed path, a proper set of beliefs—when all along I carried an inborn intimacy with the divine, as if the seeds of grace were planted in me from the start.
Others have left trails, and I can learn from them, but I cannot live by their footsteps alone. Their wisdom may point me toward the sacred, but I must risk discovering my own secret arrangement of truth. In the end, it’s never about being right or worthy in the eyes of someone else’s measure. It is about stepping bravely into the life that is uniquely mine. It is about making my own music with the instruments I was given and dancing to it, no matter how strange and unpolished my steps. The uncertainty of the world no longer frightens me the way it once did, for the greatest safety has come from having nothing left to hide behind—and nowhere left to run but straight into my own heart.
Great figures from every tradition have shown how to live fully by daring to be themselves. They did not arrive at their wisdom through mimicry or submission to others’ fears. They tore away the masks and found the face they were born with, and in that discovery, something divine could move through them. Perhaps the ultimate judgment—if one even exists—is simply this: did I dare to become the person I was meant to be? Did I bring forth the gifts that were woven into my soul at birth? Did I follow love far enough to sense the great cosmic design living in the chambers of my heart?
Now I begin to see how love and suffering entwine—how each heartbreak has cracked open more space, allowing spirit to enter and truth to resonate. Without the heartbreak, I might never have learned how fiercely I can care, how deeply I can feel, how boundless my compassion can grow. Without the heartbreak, my soul would not know what it truly loves. Now I know that I love the mystery of existence, the beauty of a world so flawed and alive, and the secret patterns that emerge when I trust in the path beneath my own feet. In this vulnerability, I find spaciousness. In this spaciousness, I find love that is not tethered to conditions or guarded by old wounds.
At the end of it all—when the final turn of life’s wheel reveals the tapestry of my journey—I won’t be asked if I followed all the rules or kept a neat ledger of right and wrong. I won’t be measured by the standards I once thought defined success. I will face only the truth of how I lived. Did I bring my soul’s dream into the world? Did I dare to speak the words etched inside me before I was born? Did I love until my heart learned its own design? Standing here now, I know that I am moving closer to that authentic core, where the music of my being hums gently in my ears, guiding me from one step to the next.
I emerge from my winter with a heart no longer capable of wearing armor. Instead, I carry a wild tenderness, an honest humility, a devotion to what arises naturally within me. I bow to the journey and to my own becoming. I bow to the gift of a heart so shattered that grace and love could at last find their way home.
Keynote Speaker at Joe Hartman, Keynote Speaker
2 个月So happy for your becoming. ?? Thank you for sharing your journey.