Where to from Here.
Kez Wickham St George
Multipublished , Multi-Gold Awardwinning #1 Best selling Author. Speaker #KezPublishing #kezmentor #kezbookreviews
Happy new year to all. I have had a wonderful holiday in Tasmania, time to reconnect with sea, air and earth as I wandered the beaches of this beautiful island. Talking to many folk listening to their stories of why and how they came to choose this island to live on. Our hosts, every night with out fail made us beautiful healthy meals , the produce of their garden, such a bounty of food and a Kaleidoscope of colours. Every night I felt blessed to be here, it was what my soul had needed. solitude.
At night as I sat under the night sky looking up at the dusting of stars, I reflected over the past year 2017. Asking myself where to from here. I certainly did not want to go back home and launch myself into the trap of always never being quite content. Wanting more, with out seeing how I got to where i am today. Always looking at tomorrow which means I lost the day I was in.
I had packed my years notebook with me, as I read what I had done in past twelve months I was floored. It was then I stopped and took the TIME to acknowledge me, my body my spirit, my mind and heart, and to be proud of my achievements. To be grateful for all I had accomplished. grateful for all those that had helped me achieve in 2017, then I let it all go. That was the past today was my present, by doing this I created a new space for me to step into a new year, new actions, a new canvas to paint, new places to see , more adventure, more book's to write. Thank you 2017 it was wonderful, chaotic at times but pretty dam good. Welcome 2018 and all it has to bring.