But where is France in all of this?!

Germany has just slowed down a little bit the flow of refugees arriving on its territory. This will not change anything: the country hosts a large number of them, this is not the case for France. And we no longer want to hear that millions of foreigners are coming to France to take advantage of our social benefits, universal health care program or schools; because, when given the choice, they prefer to go to Germany, Sweden, and Great Britain rather than France. And even when trying to attract them, just as in the case of the first refugees who arrived recently in Germany, they do not come and prefer to stay in Munich, Berlin or any other German city. Why? For at least three reasons.

1. Refugees have not been welcomed by France. Indeed, our country has not made the slightest effort so far to reach out to these people. Without going as far as to imitate the shameful attitude of Hungary, France turned in upon itself, not to be perceived as a host country. While the benefits that could be derived from this new labor force has been perfectly well understood by Germany, in France, we see it as a parasite population, ? a scourge ? that would come to steal the few remaining jobs available, without understanding that it will launch new businesses and consume. This frosty attitude is not only that of the leaders but also the attitude of almost the entire country: the government took no initiative and made no warm statement, worthy of our history. Not to seem too unworthy and with no particular enthusiasm, it simply got behind Germany. The opposition acted even more wrongly, explaining that they could not receive anyone, through inventing absurd concepts and faking the texts in a shameful and unnecessary race towards the worst with the National Front. And local elected officials have not been more inspired: less than 2% of the mayors came forward to organize the reception of refugees.

No singer, actor or imitator, usually quick off the mark to come forward, have offered (at least not publicly) to take a family of refugees into their homes. Until last Monday, none of these politicians who usually rush to Villacoublay to welcome any hostage back, reached out to refugees with open arms. There is not a mention of really addressing the fundamental issues of housing, teaching the basics of French, or informing them about their rights. The few honorable institutions, the amazing volunteers who came to help in Austerlitz and elsewhere, providing food and improvised French language lessons, are completely overwhelmed and no one pays heed to their calls for special assistance.

Instead of getting ahead of public opinion, the political class appeals to its negative attitudes.

2. Refugees see no future in a country, France, that does not even believe in its own future, and where everything is done to live and remain within the confines of one’s country. Thus, we give people the impression that we don’t know what we want to be in 20 years, how to plan and think ahead tomorrow’s society and its model. We are giving the message that our social system is doomed to die out. We show the world our inability to provide opportunities for minorities; and we would rather preserve all the privileges, pass them on from generation to generation, rather than open our schools and our businesses for the best from elsewhere or from the working class. This cannot draw those who came from far away, and want to begin a new life, by earning a living; and not to take advantage of our social gains as found in the caricatures.

3. The refugees are sought-after by others, who do everything possible to attract them- at least those they need most: executives, doctors, engineers. Germany, Great Britain, and the United States have already organized this research effectively and in a focused manner. But not France. What a sorry state of affairs knowing that these are countries of the Levant, where France has taken responsibility after the First World War and where our language enjoyed a strong presence.

I do not recognize my France, the country is giving up in light of the current context. Where is France? Where is the country of human rights? The country where citizens took to the streets on 11 January 2015? There is an urgent need to get our acts and take action. There is an urgent need to remember who we are: the country of Human rights, which has received many of the downtrodden worldwide and has made great citizens out of them, even Nobel Prize winners. It is in our interest, egotistical: our growth depends on them. In fact, the fast developing countries are not those who refuse immigration, but those where integration has worked by encouraging the foremost vector in this instance, access to work.

Refugees must be received as an asset for our country and not as a burden. As long as our reception conditions remain limited, we must provide the countries that receive them today (Turkey, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan) the means to house them decently. This will not be a few thousand people, but a few million who will come.

Finally, it is up to France to take the necessary initiatives across the European Union. It is not right that only Angela Merkel and Jean-Claude Juncker are taking action, thus saving the honor of our continent. France must come forward with a comprehensive plan enabling an organized and honorable approach of this influx. This is the price to pay for our survival.

Giovanna Brunet

Vice-Présidente Assoc. Maison Saint Jean de Buglose Habitat partagé

9 年

Pourquoi vous ne me répondez pas ?A dauphine vous étiez plus réceptif! Amicalement Giovanna de Villages à Vivre

Anita Fridrihsons

Freelance Coach in English speaking excellence

9 年

Well said and how brave, there aren't many French people like you who welcome and see the positiveness of immigration.

Aly Coulibaly


9 年

It is nice your remarks and i think France should act to save life. French people should be afraid of the refugees because it is an opportunity to boost their economy. Competition is good for the economy. If US is what they are today, it is because they have accepted to receive immigrants. The latters always come with great potentiality and experiences.

Pierre Delliere

Key Account Manager - Responsable grands comptes

9 年

Dear Mr attali, did you offered (at least not publicly) to take a family of refugees into your home?


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