Where to find support this World Mental Health Day

Where to find support this World Mental Health Day

We’re all encouraged to give our mental health extra attention on World Mental Health Day - and this year, the focus is mental health in the workplace.

This is particularly important for RSPCA Assured farmers and others working in the agriculture industry.?

This is because being a farmer can involve long hours of working alone - and the workplace (the farm) is often also home, making it harder to avoid stress, share problems or leave the job behind and take a mental break.

Training to support farmers

We caught up with one of our assessors who has just begun her training to support farmers on the Farming Community Network (FCN) helpline* to talk about the resources available to farmers - and why it is so important for all of us to reach out if we need support.

She told us: “At RSPCA Assured we work with farmers who really care about their animals. I often think about the stresses of my daily life with a child, husband and two dogs - what would it be like if I had a few hundred or even thousands more animals to care for?

Hard to switch off

That’s what it’s like for our farmers. They are always thinking about the needs of their animals and it’s very hard to switch off and leave the job. That’s before you even think about the other parts of life that need attention like bringing up children, making time for relationships and managing money.

Farming challenges

Then you add in geographical factors, like remoteness and the lack of community support available in some places. Farmers are also very affected by environmental issues such as flooding or drought and devastating animal diseases like avian influenza, blue tongue and African swine fever.

Always reach out for help

No day is the same and farmers face multiple daily challenges. It’s important they know they are not alone and there is support available.

I always say happy farmer, happy farm and you can feel that difference when you visit.

It’s always better to reach out if you find your mental health is suffering as there are people and organisations that want to help. Asking for support is often the first step to feeling better - and that is true for farmers and office workers alike.”

Support available for farmers:

  • FCN (Farming Community Network). The FCN offers pastoral and practical assistance for anyone in the farming community - in particular farmers and farming families.?

*The helpline 03000 111 999 is available for 7am - 11pm and will be answered in person 365 days a year. Or email [email protected].

  • The YANA project - You Are Not Alone - rural mental health support. Offering confidential support, mental health awareness and funding for counselling for those in farming and rural trades in Norfolk, Suffolk and Worcestershire. They also have a directory of regional support groups and key national charities which can specifically help those in the rural communities.
  • The DJP Foundation - mental health support covering rural communities in Wales.
  • The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) offers financial help for farming families facing hardship. Support is offered on a short and long term basis. They have a free helpline 0800 188 4444.
  • Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RASBI). Provides practical, emotional and financial support to those in the Scottish agriculture industry. They have a helpline 0808 1234 555.
  • The Addington Fund is a farming and rural charity, they provide disaster relief and houses for families in England and Wales who must leave their industry (and homes) through no fault of their own.?
  • The NFU also has a comprehensive list of local organisations and other national organisations that can help with wellbeing and support.
  • Yellow Wellies offers advice on attitudes to risk taking and poor mental health in the next generation of farmers (under 40)

For general mental health support:?

  • Mental Health Foundation
  • The Samaritans - call 116 123 for free support 24 hours a day.
  • Shout - 24/7 text messaging service text 85258.
  • Campaign Against Living Miserably (Calm) leading a movement against suicide - call 0800 585858 or use webchat here open 5pm to midnight 365 days a year.
  • Mind offering support, resources and legal and welfare advice.
  • Talk you your GP - find advice on how to speak about mental health?

What is mental health?

The Mental Health Foundation describes mental health as: “…the way we think and feel and our ability to deal with the ups and downs of life. We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health.” For this year’s theme, they have a free guide and suggest 10 tips for helping mental health at work:

1. Talk about your feelings

2. Be mindful of your activity levels - move regularly

3. Eat well

4. Drink sensibly

5. Manage your relationships

6. Ask for help

7. Take a break

8. Do something you're good at

9. Accept who you are

10. Care for others.


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