Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Nonprofit Parasha: Vayakel-Pekudei
When my father z"l passed away last year, I found former US Senator Joe Lieberman's "The Gift of Rest" on Dad's bookshelf. Inside it was personally signed by the author.
I've been thinking a lot this week about this written journey with Mr. Lieberman "Rediscovering the Beauty of the Sabbath" and one part of this special book keeps entering my mind.
The idea, the reality it described was warming when I first read it. Now it means even more to me.
"On Friday evening as we enter the synagogue, the atmosphere is jovial, for when we enter the shul, we are entering the heart of Shabbatland. It seems natural, before greeting Shabbat, to greet friends in this special place beyond time. There is a warm feeling of comradery, a reunion with good friends we may have not seen for a week… The mood is decidedly relaxed and convivial. A fellow congregant once told me that this familiarity and cordiality reminded him of the old TV show "Cheers" and the bar where 'everybody knows your name' and you know theirs".
This Shabbat, that familiarity, where everybody knows your name, will be called home. Shabbatland has been relocated.
It has been a challenging albeit meaningful week but now it is time to put Zoom away, put screens down and cherish special moments together with those closest to us even when we long to be together with others too – at-risk grandparents, family stranded abroad and good friends.
For those who live alone or can not be with others right now, this Shabbat will be challenging and as a community we need to look for them and look after them.
The week's double Torah portion tells us straight out – we all have a job to do. "Every naturally talented individual among you shall come forth and make all that God ordered" for the Tabernacle (Exodus 35:10) and "each person who was ready to volunteer then came forward". But if you are not feeling ???-?? (naturally gifted, talented etc) then don't worry, "also each one who wanted to give brought a donation to God" for the making of different structures, vestments and the like (35:21).
There is the foundations and spirit of any crucial campaign and mission. Those who will do, those who will give of their wisdom or abilities or time and those who will give of their resources. Equally important contributions always.
What's the opening line of Cheers opening theme song? "Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got".
We do not succeed, we do not overcome without unity and without giving everything we've got. Unity of action. Unity of purpose. Unity of resources.
This Shabbat, as we end the Book of Exodus, almost none of us will be in synagogue to say loudly the traditional: Chazak, Chazak V'Netchazek" (Be strong, be strong and be strengthened" but perhaps we can take that tradition and bring it to our homes, shout it loudly with our families and propel our families, our whole nation and humanity forward into a new chapter, a new book, a new safer, more secure (re)beginning.
*** Every week I publish a short piece connecting nonprofit, philanthropy and leadership to the weekly Torah portion.
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Painted Rock Advisors-21st Century Leadership Symposium
5 年Very meaningful in these times.