Where does money come from? I wish someone told me earlier.

Where does money come from? I wish someone told me earlier.

I was doing one of those money mindset visualizations. You know the kind where you imagine that money is everywhere and “abundant”?

And it reminded me of something I wish someone had told me a long time ago…

If you’re like me, money hasn’t always been easy.?

There’s been hard work.

Toil. Struggle. Anger. Frustration. Pain. Failure.

Most people have jobs…

They don’t have the entrepreneurial itch. And that’s fine.?

So if you ask them "Where does money come from?" Their answer is "from my job."

So when I wanted to make money without getting a job, I was confused.

Like, where does the money actually come from?

How do I get it??

How do I make sure I can keep getting it?

And then what do I do with it? Just spend it, right?

My first business (that started itself accidentally) was teaching guitar lessons.?

Someone asked me to teach their kid how to play, and I said “Sure”.

So I started making a mind-blowing $20/hr at 15 years old.

And then word got around, and I had like 15 students and more money than I knew what to do with.?

So I spent it!

It was so easy to make money then... I stopped caring about “where does money come from?”

When I started my first coaching business however…?

Making money was not easy.?

It wasn’t an “accidental business” like teaching guitar or like my current business.?

(Maybe I just make my best money by accident!)

I heard someone say “Money comes from other people’s bank accounts.”

Which obviously is true...?

But it didn’t help me know how to get that money.?

Eventually, it dawned on me…

Money comes from creativity, relationships, and action.?

First you gotta have an idea. That’s the creativity part.?

Some sort of idea on how to connect someone else’s bank account to yours.?

But then you gotta find that person who wants to send you their money! So we must have relationships with people.?

Then you gotta do the work. Talk to the person. Tell them your idea. Ask them to give you money for the idea and action.?

Now I’m not sure that this is a bulletproof money formula…

But as I look back over all the ways I’ve made money, this adds up.?

Sometimes there’s more creativity needed (like in a startup)

Sometimes there are more relationships (like in sales)

Sometimes it’s more action (like the time I was shoveling rocks for minimum wage... Literally tons of rocks per day that I shoveled from a pile into bags. I lasted less than two weeks.)?

What's the biggest thing blocking you from making even more money?

If you have limiting beliefs around money...

Your mind won’t serve you the creativity and ideas that will make massive money.?

Or if you do have the bigger ideas...

Your mind won't let you take the necessary action on them.

Or if you do make that new level of money...

You’ll spend it too fast.

Because you have limiting beliefs around how much money you’re allowed to keep.?

That’s why I made the Mind Money Method for you.

So you can dig up your limiting beliefs, and rewrite them.?

Those beliefs came from somewhere (or someone)…

And you have the power to rewrite them.?

Let me know if you have a different money formula, I’d love to hear it.?

If not, you can use mine.?

Ideas + Relationships + Action = Money

Multiply that by the Mind Money Method… see where it takes you.?

Much love,

Rusty “still figuring things out” Osborne

P.S. I had a dream one night that someone paid me $15k to sing one song. It felt awesome. I love that my subconscious likes to play with money-making ideas while I sleep. You can have that too by rewiring your money mindset.?


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