Where Does COVID-19 Come From ?
Back in the 1990s, for a fundraising exercise, we took a special interest in what was then a true scientific breakthrough, the mechanism of Reverse Transcriptase, or the mechanism that defines the way retroviruses as HIV operate.
At the time of the breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic, as we always do, we immediately delved back into research to understand the virus and see where it could have come from.
As early as Feb 26, in our post titled NORTH KOREAN FLU ? we analyzed the hypothesis that COVID 1-9 was a genetically modified bats coronavirus that could have been voluntarily launched by Kim Jung Un as his "devastating Christmas Present " to Donald Trump
On Dec 15th, 2020, in a very lengthy article titled "BEWARE OF THE HERMIT" we highlighted Kim Jung Un very formal pilgrimage to the sacred Mount Paektu and his very clear personal threat to Donal Trump that he would deliver him a "DEVASTATING CHRISTMAS PRESENT".
Everybody serious North Korean analyst knows that Kim Jung Un is not someone to threaten officially and formally - a message to his own people - without acting. Everybody expected some kind of nuclear missile launch over Christmas, but, surprisingly, nothing happened...
On April 9, 2020, on our article THE END OF COVID-19, we argued that it was impossible that COVID-19 appeared naturally in nature, that it was probably engineered a long time ago in China's Wuhan P4 laboratory or in a North Korean Biological warfare laboratory, and that it may have been voluntarily spread by Kim Un Jung with the blessing of China.
In this post we were writing :
In the political game strategy, it is difficult to see what best than COVID-19 could weaken America and strengthen China.
The world should never underestimate the damage that Donald Trump caused by launching his 2018 Trade war against China .
The Chinese are not people to forget who has been attacking them, especially if they consider that they have been attacked unjustly. Donald Trump IS the enemy of China even if China’s culture is such that it will never admit to it officially. What best than using its seemingly crazy – but highly-dependent – neighbor to deal a lasting blow to the American system and its belligerent President?
COVID-19 is also probably the most effective weapon to cause a personal defeat of Donald Trump in the upcoming Presidential elections IF it transpired over the summer of 2020 that COVID-19 was an act of Biological War initiated by Kim Jung Un targeting Donald Trump personally as officially stated in his November declarations.
Once again, this is only a game-strategy theory, but our role as analysts is to play geo-political chess and explore ALL possibilities and this is the one that is the most credible IF COVID-19 is truly a genetically-modified virus.
It is also highly likely that most intelligence services around the world have and are analyzing this hypothesis and they may have come to certain conclusions in that respect. But what is certain is that Governments around the world WILL NEVER acknowledge that COVID-a9 is an act of war for obvious political reasons.
This is why the complete scenario would imply an official declaration by KIM JUNG UN close enough the US presidential elections to quash the chances of Donald Trump of being re-elected and even eventually lead him to resign considering the “personal” characterization of Kim Jung Un’s November threat.
In the past few days, several events have come up to the front confirming our thesis that COVID-19 was effectively a GENETICALLY MODIFIED VIRUS developed in a laboratory.
- Pr. Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who received the 2008 Nobel Prize for his decoding of the HIV retrovirus genome, confirmed in an interview that : " The analysis of the genome of COVID-19 reveals that fragments of the HIV genome sequence have been added artificially to the well-know Bats coronavirus". Professor Luc Montagnier, who discovered HIV in 1983 claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV RNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.
“With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus,” explains Luc Montagnier, interviewed by Dr Jean-Fran?ois Lemoine for the daily podcast at Pourquoi Docteur, adding that others have already explored this avenue: Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, … the HIV virus (AIDS virus), but they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great.
- 3 days ago, a Fox News report that said the coronavirus may have been accidentally leaked by an intern working at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
The exclusive report by the Fox News based on the unnamed sources claimed that though the stain of the virus occurs naturally in bats and is not a bioweapon, it was studied in China’s infamous laboratory in Wuhan.
The initial transmission of the virus was bat-to-human, the news channel alleged. It added that the “patient zero” worked at the laboratory. The lab employee was accidentally infected before spreading the disease among the common people outside the lab in Wuhan city.
- In an article published on April 14th, The Washington Post revealed that two years before the pandemic, US embassy officials in China visited the Wuhan lab and warned about inadequate safety measures at the lab and that it was conducting dangerous studies on coronaviruses from bats.
Less than 300 yeards away form the Wuhan seafood market is the Wuhan branch of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Researchers from that facility and the nearby Wuhan Institute of Virology have posted articles about collecting bat coronaviruses from around China, for study to prevent future illness. Could one of those samples leak, or was hazardous waste deposited in a place where it could spread?
Richard Ebright, a Rutgers microbiologist, and biosafety expert, wrote in an email that “the first human infection could have occurred as a natural accident or that it also could have occurred as a laboratory accident, with, for example, an accidental infection of a laboratory worker.” He noted that bat coronaviruses were studied in Wuhan at Biosafety Level 2, “which provides only minimal protection,” compared with the top BSL-4. Ebright described a December video from the Wuhan CDC that shows staffers “collecting bat coronaviruses with inadequate [personal protective equipment] and unsafe operational practices.”
- Last night, President Donald Trump himself raised the prospect that China deliberately caused the Covid-19 outbreak that’s killed over 38,000 Americans and said there should be consequences if the country is found to be “knowingly responsible.”
“Let’s see what happens with their investigation. But we’re doing investigations also,” Trump said at a White House news conference on Saturday. “If it was a mistake, a mistake is a mistake. But if they were knowingly responsible, yeah, then there should be consequences.”
Total independence allows Mechelany Advisors to deal with subjects without the need to be politically correct or worried about a conflict of interest with our business franchise.
One of the traits of a good researcher is to be skeptical. Curiosity leads scientists to question not only what they observe, but also what they already know. A good researcher should be objective and be willing to challenge their own claims or public claims if something doesn’t add up.
When confronted with Black Swan events like these, the first thing we do at Mechelany Advisors is the question of the official story, not for the sake of Conspiracy theories, but to really understand what COULD have happened.
We see our role as analysts as the need to play geo-political chess and explore ALL possibilities...
In this case, we came to three conclusions :
- Due to its unique characteristics and its sudden appearance, COVID-19 is most probably a genetically modified bats coronavirus, as Eboal and SARS were.
- China is known to have developed extensive studies on these genetically modified viruses for a very long time, in Wuhan and elsewhere. Most probably they have done it for both medical and biological warfare and probably in a low security lab to play down the second aspect of the research.
- North Korea has developed very strong biological warfare capabilities with Kim Jung Un taking a personal interest in the matter, Kim Jung Un has officially threatened Donald Trump in November 2019 to send him a devastating Christmas Present and he is someone who usually delivers on his promises...
- COVID-19 is exactly what China and North Korea to weaken America and weaken President Trump politically ahead of the 2020 elections... A major asymetric weapon that attacks the roots of America's fragile capitalist system, its over-leveraged economy and weak labor protection system.
19th April 2020
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