?? Where do YOU want to take your food?
International Center for Food Design
interact - Flourish - Discover
There is a space in each one of us where?hope?is built, where?possibilities?are bright and sunny. There is a space in each one of us where everything is possible and where?goodness?is at hand. That is the space we go when we?envision?our next step, when we ignite the flame of?change, when we?create. There is where we must go when we design for our future food.
Chefs, innovators, entrepreneurs, designers, all see the challenges of our current food system: marketing advertising food that destroys our body, poisons being poured on fruit, vegetable, and soil, DNA being tweaked and privatised, societies being brainwashed, food prices making health exclusive to the elite... Simultaneously though, and pushed by a bountiful force, the dreams of the?visionaries, the efforts of the?doers, and the potentials of our food system, are equally unmistakable: clean brands that communicate transparency, community gardens growing real food, seed banks saving biodiversity, harmless new materials, employers providing opportunities besides salaries, and more and more individuals and groups that ideate and create and actualise thousands of small steps for the best possible tomorrow we could ever - individually - imagine.
This?is where we want to?be, this is what we want to?support, this is what we want to?build, through the things we do and the people we connect with. Ellen Gonzalez , Matheus Alves Zanella , and Jasper Udink ten Cate are three of these people: chefs, visionaries, change-makers.
Join us on Tuesday, 25 April at 4pm for the?FINAL?Odyssey?which is part of our program?Rebuilding Resilient Food Systems: The New Mindset for Self-Sufficiency.
Have a lovely day and Happy Food Design :)
???? Jashan and Francesca