Simon Sinek Tony Robbins Richard Branson Mark Cuban

A small deviation from my usual health and wellness focus for something that is on my mind and which I would like to share and have your input. - The lamentable state of our planet and the lethargic reaction from the general population.

Kudos to man for the incredible technological and scientific advances we are continually offered by his/her ingenuity. Really amazing and breathtaking. KUDOS.

HOWEVER, Equally amazing and incredible is the speed with which we are losing our compass of morals, values, ethics and principles which are being forfeited to political expediency and corruption. The irreparable destruction of our planet, (Amazon, Rainforests around the world, Pollution of Rivers, Contamination of water sources, Ocean pollution with trash and plastic) to name a few, are having serious consequences.

Everything is for sale. The God of Money reigns.

Are we all deaf and blind to what is going on, or just numbed and feel helpless as bystanders watching a hurrican? When we are personally threatened we immediately take defensive action, but when we are not directly affected we watch from our safe distances and pay lip service. We all witness certain events, though choose to interpret them according to how we are led to believe, which may be very far from the actual facts.

Are we proud of our legacy, what we are leaving behind? Do we really care? Of course these are not popular subjects or even of interest to many, but in all fairness I believe we should explore them and have frank discussions and take immediate action. I understand that when things are tough we focus on survival mode, so the subjects I am mentioning take a back seat, but nevertheless, at a certain point in our lives, be it for setting examples for our kids, or awareness for the next generation these thorny subjects should be tackled. There is only so much we can do, is the popular banter, but is this really so?

What exactly are the limitations. We know with absolute certainty, that where there is a will, there is a way and that nothing is impossible if we set our minds and financial will power in the right direction. Not so long ago we used to be civil, polite, courteous and generally patient, not being afraid to express our opinions even though they may have differed from whoever we were speaking to, because we were mature enough to understand that through dialogue we could better communicate. We could agree to disagree without rancor, animosity or negative feelings. I was brought up to know that there were at least two subjects which should be avoided, religion and politics. Fine. These are subjects which inspire deep sentiment and emotion, so, ok, let's not get into these.

Can we talk about some of the more common problems which we all have and find some common ground? Can we at least start with the basics. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." We are all privileged to live in this great democracy where freedom reigns, yet we continually focus on more things to separate us than unite us. I firmly believe that the bigger the challenge, the greater the rewards. Looking around we can see that there are many challenges, so let's detach from the mundane ego centered rountines, to look more altruistically at what we can do to help solve some of the problems to which in some ways we have contributed.



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