Where Do You Stand?
Cindy McDaniel
Vistage Chair offering CEO, Business Owner & C-Suite Private Advisory Peer Groups plus Leadership Development Programs for Senior & Mid-Level Management Associates
The real issues for the Black community and other races of color are significant. And there are more issues that go beyond race and into other areas of bias, prejudice and stigma, such as gender, age, sexual orientation, physical appearance, skill level, economic status, and political divide, to name a few.
We have a lot of work to do. It’s going to take education of the real issues on all sides. It will require people on all sides of every issue to be willing to put down their swords, to listen to each other with the intent to understand, and to work together to find real solutions for the future.
No one alive today is directly at fault for the errors made in years gone by. But everyone alive today is impacted by the current day issues and is responsible to help shape the future. If you are not part of the solution then (consciously or unconsciously) you might be part of the problem.
One can only hope that those living 100+ years from now will look back on the generations of today and see us as role models for how to resolve significant issues that affect humankind. To make that possible, we must each do our part today.